♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 ♥

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The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed, and my heart sank. Where was George?

I tried not to let my sadness get the best of me, however, and so I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Everything was the same as it had been yesterday morning - it was as if George had never been here at all.

The house was silent, and so I hoped that I had enough time for a quick bath, discarding a shower in case I slipped over and hurt the baby when I landed. I ran the water and got in, wishing that it could be hotter and that I could have more time in the tub, but knowing that Julian would be up soon and I would have to make him breakfast.

I climbed out and dressed in a pretty blue maternity dress, sliding my feet into my slippers before I went downstairs. There was nobody there. My mood sunk and I sighed, filling the kettle up and putting it on the stove to boil before I went back upstairs to wake Julian.

"Jules?" I asked, pushing his door open slowly. "Julian?"

He wasn't there.

My heart immediately began to pound in my rib cage as I thought about all the things that could have happened to him in such a big house. He could have fallen down the stairs - you've been downstairs, he's not there. He could have fallen out of the window - all the windows are locked, you made sure of it the night before John left because of the fans. He could have -

"You a'right, Em?" I jumped, turning around quickly and seeing George standing in the doorway behind me with Julian on his hip. My eyes widened and I rushed forward, taking Jules from him.

"Oh, my baby," I cooed as I held him tightly, "I thought something had happened, I -"

"Sorry for scarin' you, Em," George said, shocking me back to reality, "he was crying this morning so I thought I'd take him out for a walk an' give you a rest."

I smiled gratefully at George, "no, it's okay, I... I just worry. Maybe next time leave a note?"

George raised one thick, brown eyebrow. "Next time, eh?" I blushed. "Who said anything about a next time?"

"Oh, I..." I bit my lip and decided to just ask him. "George... if you haven't got anything to rush home for, well.... I think Jules would really like it if you stayed for a few days." I looked at Julian, who was laughing as he played with my still-wet hair.

George stepped forward and took Julian from me, putting him back on his hip and bouncing him up and down for a few seconds before he turned back to me, "oh Julian would, would he?" I nodded. "Would Julian like me to do anything else while I'm 'ere?"

"Julian would like you to maybe, um, sleep beside him?"

George smiled, his top lip curling up as his fangs showed. My heart skipped a beat.

"I think that can be arranged -"

There was a loud banging on the front door and I jumped once more. George looked very concerned, "who's that?" he asked me.

"Who do you think?" I asked rhetorically, "there's only one person who would be that rude." I sighed, "can you just watch Jules for me? I'll deal with this..." and then I went into my bedroom and opened the window.

"John!" I snapped, causing the banging on the door downstairs to stop as John took a few steps back and found the window which I was calling to him from. "John Lennon!"

"So you finally thought you'd fucking answer then?!" He sneered, "open the fucking door, Emeraude, this is my house -"

"Actually," I replied sweetly, "it's not... it's in my name because you didn't want to be taxed on the purchase. You have no right to be here -"

"What about Julian?"

"He's fine with me." I told him firmly.

"He's not your son!"

"He's as good as!" I yelled, "Cynthia hasn't even tried to get back in contact, you abandoned him -"

"I have a job!" John defended angrily, "I had to 'abandon' him." He put quotation marks around his words, "you can't -"

"Leave us alone, John." I sighed, "we don't want the stress of living with you." I bent over and picked up the suitcase of his clothes which I had packed up for him a few days previously. I pushed it onto the window ledge and then out of the window. I didn't even care if it landed on him. He deserved it.

"Fucking careful -"

"You finish that sentence, and Paul will never speak to you again." I told John in a measured tone, grimacing at the fans who were watching our argument from the gate. He had been about to call me a bitch, I just knew it.

"You fucking -" John cut himself off, "I'm coming up there, you -"

"Come up here, Lennon, and I'll kill you myself." I turned to see George standing beside me, hanging out the window beside my own.

John's eyes widened when he saw George, and then I knew that he was really mad.

"I knew it." John said lowly, just loud enough for George and I to hear, "I knew you'd end up fucking him again." John scoffed, "are we sure that that baby is even mine?"

I began to sob. I had been handling the situation so well until he had started insulting the baby. My baby. It wasn't his anymore. He had just given up any and all rights that he had to be able to refer to himself as its father and it as his child.

George wrapped his arms around me and pulled me gently away from the window, "just fuck off, John. It's over." And then George closed the window and took me into Julian's room, settling me in the armchair by the window, moving the chair and me so that I could watch Julian play.

I calmed down almost instantly.

"Em?" George said after a few minutes of silence. I looked up at him, waiting for him to continue. "I'll stay as long as you want me to."

1st June 1964

Everything was fine. Everything was going to plan. I didn't need to panic, I -

"George!" I screamed. He came running, his guitar in one hand as if he hadn't even had time to put it down.

"What?" He asked hurriedly, "what is it!?"

I winced, "I - ah!" A contraction ripped through me.

George dropped the guitar and rushed to my side, holding me tightly before he asked, "is it the baby?!"

"I think he's coming!"

George's eyes widened and he went crazy. "What do I do? What can I do?Em, what do you need?"

"T-the b-bag...!" I waved in the general direction of the hallway. George helped me to the front door and then let go just long enough to get the bag and his car keys. He led me out to the car and put me in the backseat, making sure that I was as comfortable as I could be before he ran round to the driver's side and got in. He started the engine and got halfway down the driveway before I stopped him. "Julian!"

George ripped the handbrake up and then got out of the car, not even bothering to kill the engine before he ran back up to the house. Two minutes later, another contraction tore through me, and George was back. He opened the car door and gave me Julian to hold since we didn't have enough time to put the car seat in. I needed to get to the hospital right away.

As I felt another contraction coming on, I had to brace myself. I couldn't scream, and I could barely cry because I didn't want to frighten Julian. So this was what being a mother was all about - protecting your baby, even if it was at a cost to yourself.

"We'll be there soon, baby," George promised me, his tongue slipping back to its old, familiar ways in the heat of the moment, "don't worry. It's going to be okay..."

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now