♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ♥

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The next day, I awoke in the hospital bed. It was sunny. Julian was beside me in the bed, and George was curled up in the armchair next to Dhani's basin, the two of them still asleep. I took a few seconds to observe them before I picked Julian up and moved him into my lap, gently stroking his hair until he woke up.

"Hey, Jules," I whispered, "you hungry, baby?" He nodded sleepily and flopped back against my chest, which was quite sore. "Why don't you wake Georgie up and see if he'll take you to get something?" Julian nodded again and I helped him off of the bed. When he was standing upright, he toddled over to George and climbed onto the armchair. He tugged on George's mop-top until he woke up, a smile on his face immediately when he saw Julian in his lap, Dhani in the baby basin beside him and me in the bed opposite.

"What's up, buddy?" George asked quietly since Dhani was still asleep.

"He's hungry." I said for Julian. George looked over to me briefly. "And so am I," I told him, "do the cafe downstairs have muffins?"

"I don't know," George furrowed his thick eyebrows, he turned back to Julian, "why don't me an' you go get some brekkie while mummy feeds Dhani?"

Julian nodded and put his thumb in his mouth. George stood up, still holding Dhani, and brought him over to me. He set him on the bed, gave me a kiss on the mouth and then picked up Dhani - who woke up as soon as he was taken from his basin - he gave him to me and then picked Julian up again.

"Come on, buddy."

George closed the door behind him and I looked at my son, my Dhani, who was turning red - I suspected that it would be mere seconds before he began to scream for his breakfast. I pulled down the hospital gown which I had gone to sleep in and took a few deep breaths.

"Okay, baby, let's do this..."

* * * * *

Getting Dhani to latch on was impossible, and I was still trying forty minutes later when George returned, a paper bag in one hand, a mug of hot tea in the other and Julian following along at his heels.

My eyes darted to George as soon as he walked in and I blushed, moving Dhani away from my uncovered breast and moving quickly to pull my gown back up. I sighed, "it's, um, no good." I said as George put the bag and mug down before he took Dhani from me, who was still screaming for his breakfast, "he just won't take it..." I sighed, "I feel like a failure. Why can't I do it, George?"

My lips were trembling and my eyes were watering, and George saw this. He called for the nurse and then handed Dhani off to her to be fed. He was taken away, and it was only when his screams could no longer be heard from down the hallway that I realised how much my head was aching and how exhausted I was.

"You're Em McCartney." George said softly as he sat on the edge of the bed, lacing our hands together and speaking just loud enough for the two of us to hear, "you can do anything... maybe Dhan just needs some time. It's got to be a big change, hasn't it?"

"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Being all warm an' comfortable, being fed whatever your mum's eating - an' then you come into the world through a small hole, you're prodded around and cuddled and spoken to and you don't even know what's 'happening. I bet all Dhani wants is to be back inside of' you where he knows he's safe."

George was right. I nodded, "yeah," I agreed, "probably..." I sighed, "how am I going to do this, George? I can't be a mother to two -"

"You're Emeraude McCartney..." George repeated, "Em, you can do anything... and you won't be alone, because I'll be with you, and so will Paul - he's out in the hallway, by the way."

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