♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲-𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ♥

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George's POV

Over the next few days, I took the time to select a school for Julian, Dhani and Nancy. Julian and Dhani would be going in full time, and Nancy would be going into nursery school, which was from 9AM to 1PM. When I had found them a school which had places for all of them, I bundled them all up into the back of the car and took them to buy their uniforms, leaving Emeraude at home with Jack.

Since I had mentioned sending the three children to school, she had been despondent around me, spending more time than usual with them and avoiding being alone in my company. She had taken to going to bed as soon as she could, sometimes leaving me to put Jack, Julian, Dhani and Nancy to bed. I hated how we were, because we had always been so close and had never tried to avoid each other.

As I drove to the uniform shop, I thought about her. I thought fondly about our wedding day, and the day that Dhani had been born. I remembered holdingEm's hand as she brought our sweet little Nancy into the world - our first baby together - and then I remembered the previous June, when I had come into the house to find thatEm had spent all day giving birth to Jack... and she had been alone for it. I thought about how, for the last two years or so, I had come into the house after almost every day at the studio and complained about John, or her half-brother.

And it struck me, then.

I was wrong.

I should never have slated Paul's hammer song in front of her. I should never call him a control freak or a monster to her face, as I had done in the past. It hurt her, and it made her as sour as I felt. I should have been protecting her, and not projecting my bad mood onto her or the children.

I pulled the car to a stop outside of the uniform shop and turned around in the seat, looking at the three of the five people who meant more than the world to me.

"D'you think your mum is happy?" I asked them.

Nancy smiled, "she smiles when she looks at baby Jack."

I nodded, "I know, darlin', we all do."

Julian wrinkled his nose, "Jack smells."

"I know. He's got a bad tummy at the moment." This was true; Emeraude had made an appointment for him with the GP for the next week.

"Can't you fix him, daddy?" Nancy asked me, clutching a doll tightly to her chest. "I don't like the smell."

I sighed, "I try, baby, I try." I paused, "but I want to know if you think mummy is sad?"

"I think mummy misses Uncle Paul." Dhani said, shocking us all because he was usually so quiet.

I nodded, "I know she does, Dhan, I know."

"Why are we here?" Julian asked, looking at the uniform shop out the window.

"Well," I bit my lip, knowing that now was the time to tell them, "your mother and I have agreed that, um, you're not learning enough from us at home, so you're going to go to a school -"

Dhani's eyes widened and my heart plummeted. I knew that he would find it the hardest to adapt to school. "But don't worry!" I exclaimed, knowing that inside, Dhani was hyperventilating, already panicking and overthinking school, "you're going to go and make lots of new friends, and learn things, and -"

"Will Heather be there?" Nancy loved Heather. If Heather was doing something, then Nancy would follow suit.

"Um, probably not, darling," I replied slowly, watching Dhani very closely so I could see if he was about to have a tantrum, which he so often did - though his last serious one had been the day that Jack was born. "This is something that you and Heather can't do together, she's older than you." Nancy pouted and I sighed, "come on, kids," I said, "this is exciting. I loved school." Liar, I thought to myself, but the three of them didn't need to know that.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now