♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 ♥

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Emeraude's POV

"I am so sorry that I am late!" A blonde girl exclaimed as she settled herself in John's lap. She looked at me immediately, sitting between Paul and George, sitting closer to George than I was to my own brother. Her mouth fell open. "Are you... are you the sister?"

I sat back, shocked that she even had a clue as to who I was. I nodded, "Emeraude." I held out a hand to her and she took it, smiling.

"Cynthia." The girl replied. "John's girlfriend."

She looked at her boyfriend, but he was silent... and he didn't meet her gaze. I got the impression that she might be his 'girlfriend', but she wasn't his only girl-friend.

"Right, boys," the owner of the Cavern Club said as he hurried over to the table, "instruments are on stage. Give 'em a show and leave 'em wanting more." Paul kissed his girlfriend, Dot, as she had introduced herself, goodbye and John did the same with Cynthia. Pete got up and left straight away and George turned to me.

My heart thumped in my chest.

Had he turned around to kiss me...?

"I'll, um," George blushed, "I'll be going now..."

I smiled, "knock 'em dead, Geo." He beamed. "I know you'll be great." I finished, leaning a little closer to his ear so that only he could hear me. Daringly, I pecked his cheek and then sat back upright, hoping that John and Paul hadn't noticed me kiss him. I wondered if he was blushing, and hated the dim light in the club because I had no way of knowing.

Paul turned to me, "Dot and Cyn are going to stay with you tonight, okay?" I nodded. He smiled and placed a soft kiss in the middle of my forehead, placing a hand on either of my shoulders and smiling even more widely. "Tell me how we do, okay? Honest opinions only!" And then he turned and darted off after John and George and Pete in the direction of the stage.

The three of us pushed our way to the front of the crowd just as George slipped his guitar strap over his head and strummed it, making sure it was in tune. John and Paul stepped up to their microphones. John cleared his throat, "'ello, everyone." He said, putting on the thickest Liverpool accent that I had ever imagined - he didn't sound like that when he was off stage. "I'm John, this is Paul and George," he jerked his head to his right. George smiled and gave a little wave to the audience, his gaze sweeping across the sea of the lunchtime crowd before they settled on me.

Paul then spoke into his microphone, "and that lad behind us is Pete Best." There were a few squeals and screams from the audience. A few girls even called out Pete's name. Paul continued, "we want to thank you for coming today -"

"Thank you." John interrupted.

The crowd giggled and Paul continued, "this is Dream Baby." And then the band broke into song, and the people surrounding us began to dance, so we three joined in.

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