♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 ♥

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Emeraude's POV

"So you see, Mr Epstein," I said as I followed the manager of the NEMS record store around the aisles, trying to memorise the layout as best I could whilst I explained about my connections with music, "I've been around music for a lot of my life. My stepdad loved American groups - since that's where I grew up, so we didn't really get a lot of English records over there - and my brother, Paul, is in a band that plays at the Cavern and in some of the local clubs."

"Your brother?" Brian Epstein echoed.

I nodded, humming in reply, "he's really passionate about music. He, my boyfriend, and their friends, John and Pete, want to make it big."

"Are they any good?"

"Well," I said, "they've been over to Hamburg a bit -"

"Excuse me?" Both Brian and I turned to see who had spoken. It was a young lad, about the same age as John, so a few years older than me.

"How can I help?" I asked brightly, desperate to impress Brian and get the job of my dreams - and Paul's. He had told me earlier that day at school that he had always wanted to work at NEMS, because staff received a discount on the records there - and then John (who had snuck in for a lunchtime rehearsal session) had reminded Paul that the simple 'five finger discount' applied everywhere he went.

I had had to ask what the five finger discount was, and I had been appalled.

My brother stole, and so did John. George said that he didn't usually, but if there was something that he desperately wanted then he would.

"Have you got the new Beatle record?"

"The Beatles?" Brian echoed, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "Haven't heard of them, lad. Who're they?"

"My brother's band." I told the two of them. The boy looked impressed and Brian looked surprised.

"Really?" I nodded. "Do you think you could introduce me?" The boy asked.

I shrugged, "sure. Come down to the Cavern Friday night and find me in the crowd."

The boy thanked me and then asked again, "do you have the record? It's Ruby Baby, with Tony Sheridan -"

"A German pressing." I finished. "Paul told me about it. I know. They recorded it in Hamburg."

Brian continued to look impressed with me before he snapped back to reality and turned to the boy, "I'm sorry, but we don't have that record. I'll head over to the Cavern on Friday evening, was it, Emeraude?" I nodded, confirming what he had asked. "Well I'll head over and see if they're any good, and if they are then I will order some singles in, okay? Pop back over the weekend for the verdict."

"Thanks!" The boy chirped before he turned and hurried out of the store. When he was gone, Brian turned to me.

"Welcome to the NEMS family, Emeraude McCartney."

* * * * *

Friday night after the show, I was backstage with John, Paul, George and Pete. We were talking and drinking, all of us smoking a cigarette which we held in the same hand as our glass.

There was a knock at the door, barely heard over the top of the sound of the night's second band onstage.

Pete, who was closest to the door, went over to open it. I recognised who was standing there immediately; my new boss, Brian Epstein.

"Brian!" I exclaimed excitedly, immediately getting up from underneath George's arm, which he had draped across my shoulders, and going over to the door. I greeted him with a smile before I turned back to the boys. "Boys, this is my boss, Brian Epstein. I told you he'd be attending tonight."

"Oh aye," John agreed, looking at Brian. The two locked gazes and Brian blushed very quickly, turning his head away from John long enough to regain his confidence. "Well then, Eppy -"

"Mr Epstein -" Brian tried to correct him, but John didn't listen.

"Eppy," John insisted, taking a long drag from his cigarette before he finished what he had started saying in the first place, "what did you think of the show?"

"Very good, boys." Brian came further into the room. I followed him and went to sit back closely beside George, gesturing for Pete to close the door to the dressing room. He did, and Brian then continued to talk. "In fact, I was so impressed that I would like to manage you."

"Manage us?" Paul echoed in surprise and curiosity, a hint of excitement in there, too.

"That's right." Brian said, throwing a glance at Paul before going back to focus on John. "Have you got a manager?"

"We got Allan Williams, but he doesn't do much." John drawled, blowing smoke in Epstein's face purposely.

"Right, well," Epstein blew the smoke away from him before he continued, "I'll speak to him... but would the four of you be content with me managing you if he gave his blessing?" The four boys nodded and Epstein said, "I'll let you know what Williams says." He then turned and let himself out of the room.

Like a flock of sheep, the three boys then turned to John, their leader. "Where are we going, lads!?" John exclaimed excitedly, showing his true feelings now that Brian, who I knew John would regard as an outsider, was gone.

"To the toppermost of the poppermost!" The four of us chorused, even though I wasn't technically part of the band.

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