♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨 ♥

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When George got home a few hours later with our three boys in tow, I was only too glad to go over to him and bury my head in his chest.

Instantly, George's arms went around me. I laid my ear over his heart and listened to it for a few seconds, quietly crying. "Luv," George said after a minute or so, "you're going to stain my shirt - what's wrong?"

I reluctantly pulled away from the warmth of his body. George wiped my tears away from my face and then used two fingers to tilt my head up until we were looking into each other's eyes - his a deep and warm chocolate brown and mine a crystal clear blue.

"John called." I said quietly, looking over my shoulder to see Julian standing in the corner of the hallway, watching us with a curious expression on his face.

George followed my line of vision and locked eyes with Julian, "give us some time, would you, Jules?"

He sighed, nodded and walked off. I smiled at his attitude. Julian was twelve, nearly twelve and a half, and already had some of the makings of a teenager - including the attitude. I had a faint idea as to what was coming, but no real clue. Oddly, I was looking forward to it.

When we were alone, George turned back to me. "What did he want?"

"He said that Yoko's had a baby - a son, Sean. He..." I bit my lip, my eyes welling up once more, "he wanted Dhani and Jules to fly over to New York to meet the baby -"

"Alone?" George asked in disbelief.

I nodded, "that's what was heavily implied... and then when I said no, he started being unkind."

"What did he say?" My husband asked, "did he hurt you?"

I shook my head, "nothing that I didn't walk right into."

"I wish I had been here," George said, gritting his teeth and balling his fists at his sides, "I would have -"

"I think..." I said, biting my lip and wondering how much I was going to regret my decision, "that perhaps they should go to New York to meet the new baby -"

"But they're so young -"

"We'd go with them, of course." I interrupted. "All of us... like a holiday." I sighed, "Georgie, I think that John has a point - he called them our sons, as in mine and his. And, they're yours as well, but he fathered them. If he wants them to meet their half-brother, then they should be able to have that opportunity, even if it never leads anywhere."

George was dead silent.

His facial expressions were imperceptible. I had no inkling as to what he was thinking, for once.

I took a deep breath, "I think that this feud between me and John has gone on too long, and that there have been repercussions because of it. Maybe Dhan and Jules should have been allowed to think of him as a father figure before now -"

"When he was doing heroin?" George asked incredulously but in a quiet tone in case any of the boys were listening.

"George, you've seen him since. You've worked with him, even. You said to me yourself that he seems fit and clean and healthy, now. Maybe this is a way of opening the gates - extending an olive branch - and forging a relationship between the three of them that should have existed years ago."

George looked away from my eyes and stared at the floor. My heart skipped a beat, wondering if he was angry with me for going back on what I had insisted on for the last six or seven years. I had always said that I wanted Dhani and Jules kept away from John and Yoko - especially Yoko - for their own protection, and now I was trying to go back on that and saying that I wanted them to forge a relationship that should have been there years ago.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked me in a quiet tone, still not meeting my gaze. "You really want to force them to John and Yoko?"

"To John, yes." I answered softly, "they're coming to the age now where it isn't our choice anymore. Especially Julian. This baby is the perfect opportunity to fix it all."

After a few seconds of deep thinking, George said, "okay, Em," he let out a breath of resignation, "I trust you and your judgement. I can't say that I agree, o'course - our boys are worth twenty-five John Lennons and more - but you're their mother and he is..." George's face soured. I couldn't help but smile at his expression. "He contributed, I s'pose, though he hasn't done much more -"

"I'll go and tell the children to start packing -" I turned, going to walk away, but George pulled me back by grabbing at my wrist sharply and pulling me back to him. I twirled into his arms and couldn't resist smiling at his action.

"We're not going for a few weeks." George said pointedly. I opened my mouth to ask why, but he beat me to it, "I'm not having you regret this decision. We'll be spending Christmas with them - I'll ring the airport and book the tickets, but we're waiting until Christmas so you can back out if you need to."

He had a point, I knew that he did, but I refused to acknowledge that to his face. I had made my decision and I would stand by it.

"But -"

"Emeraude," George said in a disapproving tone. I cringed - he never called me by my full name. "I don't agree with you on this but I am respecting your wishes - you can at least respect mine. I want to give you time to back out of this."

He's right. I tried to not listen to my brain.

I sighed and crossed my arms against my chest. "Fine." And then I huffed and walked off.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now