♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲-𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 ♥

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Emeraude's POV

George was back after only twenty minutes or so. I had my feet up, sipping on a cup of tea with a soap opera on - I wasn't sure what it was - I didn't usually watch them so didn't really follow specific shows.

"You a'right?" George asked by way of a greeting as he walked into the living room.

I looked away from the television and nodded, smiling. "Much better. Not even nauseous anymore."

He sat on the edge of the settee, in front of my legs. George put one of his hands over my leg and smiled at me, "I'd take it all away if I could."

I cocked my head lovingly at him. "I don't mind going through it, because it means we get this lovely little baby at the end."

George beamed. "When you put it like that, I suppose it's okay."

I giggled.

"Have you told Paul?"

I shook my head, "and I asked Linda not to. I thought it was something I should tell him in person."

George nodded, "maybe..." he breathed out in contentment, flopping back against my legs exaggeratedly.

I giggled, bending my leg at the knee with great difficulty because of his weight on top of it.

"Ouch!" He exclaimed, "you -"

"Come lay with me, Georgie." I moved aside a little and gestured to the space in front of me - not a lot, and definitely not enough for the two of us to fit comfortably... but I insisted, tapping the settee harder with the palm of my hand. "Georgie..."

He chuckled and laid down, resting his head on my arm, which was stretched out in the small space.

"You and that pregnant belly are taking up all the room!" George cried teasingly, wiggling around to try and find a comfortable angle.

I laughed, kicking his legs, which he had entwined with my own. "Rude!" I laughed, "you're not supposed to mention the size of a woman's stomach!"

"When I see a woman, I'll try to bear that in mind."

I laughed, kicking his leg again.

"Be very careful, George Harrison, I'm the one making your dinners!"

George guffawed, "I knew there was something wrong with them!"

The two of us laughed, teasing each other for a few more minutes until our sides were aching.

As we regained our breath, our hands found each other and joined together.

"I love you, y'know?" George said, turning his head a bit so he could look into my crystal eyes.

I nodded, smiling at him. "I know you do, Georgie."

"We should do something before this baby comes." He sat upright, our hands still entwined.

"Like what?" I asked him, excited about his proposal and genuinely curious as to what he was suggesting.

George thought for a few seconds before he said, "what about a honeymoon?"

"Honeymoon?" I echoed.

He nodded, "a holiday, just you and me... wherever you want. We got married and didn't have one because of Dhani and Julian, so now they're all a bit older and before the little one comes along, I want to take you somewhere that we can have the time of our lives -"

"But who would watch the children?"

"Linda and Paul would, I'm sure." George replied, "or maybe Dhani and Jules could go over and see John for a week or so and then Paul and Linda would take Nancy and Jack?"

I bit my lip, "that sounds lovely, George," I said, "but I don't think I want to do that right now."

His face fell. "B-but why?"

"Well, I'm pregnant, for one. The morning sickness wouldn't be nice, and I wouldn't be able to do as much as I'd want to."

"But we can't ask Paul and Linda to look after a baby," he furrowed his thick eyebrows, "Em, if we don't go now then -"

"Time isn't running out for us, Georgie," I clasped his hand more tightly in my own, "we've got the rest of our lives to go on holiday and love each other. Why're you in such a rush?"

George shook his head, looking down at our two hands, "I'm not in a rush, I just want to appreciate you -"

"So let's do it here," I gestured to the house around us, "with our kids, and our family all together."

"About that," George paused as I narrowed my eyes at him, "well, I was thinking on the way back from the school that we should get a bigger house."

"A bigger one?" I echoed in surprise, "why? We have enough bedrooms -"

"But the garden isn't big enough for a vegetable patch and the kids to play in," he paused, "I've been looking, and well, Eric told me about this estate - Friar Park - in Henley."

"That's miles away," I frowned.

"It's an hour's drive." George reassured me, "at most." He paused, "why don't we take the children to have a look around it?"

My eyes skimmed the front room around us and I sighed. I loved the house that we had at the moment, but I did have to admit that it was very small - too small for six people, let alone a new baby as well.

I nodded, "ring the estate agent then, let's see if they're free this weekend."

George beamed, throwing his arms around me and kissing my lips passionately.

"Everything is going to be perfect, Em," he assured me, "you'll see."

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now