♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞 ♥

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26th August 1963

I was beside my brother as we walked out of the court. "You're a stupid idiot, Paul." I grumbled.

"Why?" He asked, "I thought that was a pretty good outcome -"

"You got a one year ban from driving, Paul!" I yelled at him, losing my shit. "How the fuck are you going to get around now?!"

"Hey," George said as he came up behind me and put a hand on the small of my back, immediately calming me down. "Don't stress."

"But -"

He pressed a soft kiss on my cheek as we all continued walking, "you know what'll happen -"

"A fucking year, George!" I yelled.

"George is right," John agreed, appearing on the other side of Paul, "and -"

"Shut up, John."

"But I'm an expert in all things baby." John paused, "I have one, remember?"

"And so will we in a few months -"

"Uh oh," Ringo said as he came out of the bathroom and joined our lineup. "Poor baby -"

George elbowed him and we all stopped by the front doors of the court.

I turned to my brother, "you ready?"

He nodded, "it'll be fine. It's just a ban. Nothing major -"

John and George pushed the double doors open and we all stepped out.

* * * * *

George and I had never... consummated our relationship. Not in the literal sense, anyway. We'd done oral - both giving and receiving. We'd fingered, we'd touched and everything in between (even once taking it up the backside, but I hadn't been a huge fan of it) - but we'd never actually had sex.

But we had decided that tonight was the night.

And what's more, we'd decided that we were going to try for a baby.

It wasn't particularly that we hadn't wanted to have sex - there had been times when the two of us were so turned on that our bodies ached for the other and our cheeks blushed with everything that we wanted to do to the other one.

But we had refrained.

We weren't sure why, but it had never felt like the right time.

When we got home, George immediately guided me over to the settee and sat me down. "Baby..." he said, getting down on his knees and untying my shoelaces before pulling each shoe from my foot, "you can't stress like that. You'll get a migraine -"

"He's such an idiot, Geo!" I cried, tears pouring from my face. They had been hot and begging to be set free all day, but I had not let them loose. I had held myself together in front of the other boys, even though they had all seen me cry before - but now that I was home with the one person who I trusted as much as I trusted Paul, I knew that I could let myself go. "He took that stupid charge for me, and -"

"He did it because otherwise you'd be going to prison, Em," George reminded me, massaging each of my feet in turn, "you don't have a license. Paul took that speeding ticket to help you -"

"But now he can't drive." I reminded George, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand... and then crying some more.

"He'll live with it." George replied softly, trying desperately to calm me down, "besides, Em, when the band takes off, he'll just hire a chauffeur."

We sat in silence for a few seconds, George continuing to rub my feet like the perfect boyfriend that he was. I loved our little flat - we'd recently moved to London, and we currently shared a flat with Ringo (but he wasn't home a lot because he loved to dance so spent a lot of time out at clubs). Paul was supposed to be living with us, too, but he'd moved in with the family of his girlfriend, Jane Asher, and lived on Wimpole Street - about fifteen minutes' walk away. John and Cynthia lived in Weybridge, Surrey, with their son, Julian. Julian was just four months old, and the cutest little thing that George and I had ever seen - it was Julian, in fact, who had made the two of us want a baby of our own.

"You're thinking about tonight, aren't you?" George asked me, getting up from the floor and coming to sit beside me on the settee. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to his chest. "Baby?" He asked again when I didn't answer.

I hummed in reply, snapping out of my thoughts, "yeah, Geo?"

"Em, if you don't want to do this tonight then we don't have to -"

"George, I just want a baby." I told him honestly and quietly, turning to him.

"So do I, but -"

"I just..." I sighed, "you and the boys spend time in the studio, and I feel so alone. I don't like Jane. She's too stuck up. I don't want to spend time with her."

"What about Cyn?"

"She's nice, but she's in Surrey, and Julian is her baby. I want my own. I want something to cuddle at night that isn't my pillow -"

"But is it fair on Ringo to have a baby when he lives with us?"

"We'll get our own place, Geo." I continued, my eyes wide because I was pleading with my boyfriend so much. "We'll get a little house close to the studio and by a nice school for the baby to go to when he or she is old enough -"

"Do you really want our first time to be because we're making a baby?" He asked me. Not rhetorically, but because he just wanted to clarify.

I nodded, "wouldn't that be a story?"

George chuckled at my words and then nodded. "Alright, Em. Let's go to bed then, yeah?"

I nodded and he stood up, offering me a hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet, leading me up the stairs and to our bedroom.

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