♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ♥

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The next morning, I woke up in a bed with John, a sleeping baby Julian in the bed between us and I realised then and there that that was my future, and it could not come soon enough. I watched the two of them sleep for several minutes before there was a quiet knock at the door. I looked up at the door, saying, "come in," just loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.

It was Paul. He opened the door and his eyes immediately fell on John, who had slept in only his underwear. "He's not naked, is he?" Paul couldn't see John's underwear because there was a blanket covering the three of us; John, Julian and me.

I giggled quietly, not wanting to wake Julian, who had had to be rocked to sleep last night by John because he was so disorientated at his mother not putting him to bed. That had made me feel very guilty, but John had reminded me that we would soon have full custody of Julian, and therefore Cynthia would not be able to put him to bed every night. "No, he's not." I said, mid-giggle.

"Good." Paul let out a sigh of relief. "Dad and Mimi are downstairs with Angie and her daughter, Ruth. I haven't told him about, y'know, yet." He looked at my stomach which was hidden under the covers, "I thought you'd want to do that - he's askin' after you, I told him that you were still in bed but he told me to come get you up."

"What time is it?" John groaned, sleep still clouding his tone. "Em!?"

"Shush!" I exclaimed, putting a finger to my lips just as baby Julian jutted awake and began to cry. I sighed, "John," I whined, "you woke the baby..."

"Sorry -"

I picked Julian up and got out of bed, grateful that I had gone to bed in a nightgown slip dress - whilst it wasn't the most appropriate thing to wear in front of Paul, it was better than walking around in just my underwear. I put Julian against my chest and held him tightly, somehow managing to wrap my dressing gown around us both to keep the early morning December chill from getting to either of us.

"It's just gone nine." Paul looked at the watch on his arm. He was already dressed for Christmas day, which meant that he had probably been up for an hour or so - most likely working on a song, as he usually did in the early mornings.

"There now, baby Jules." I cooed at the still-crying nine month old baby in my arms. I looked at Paul, "tell dad and Angie we'll be down in about half an hour. Warm up some formula for Julian, would you, Paulie?"

He nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Julian had stopped crying, and as I soothed him, I turned my back on John, going over to the window and looking out. A perfect blanket of white covered everything, and it was almost entirely untouched save the three pairs of footsteps which I presumed belonged to dad, Angie and her daughter.

"I love watching you with him." John said. I jumped in surprise, turning my head to look over my shoulder. John was lying in bed with his eyes on me, one arm behind his head and the other resting on his chest. "I can't wait to see you with our baby."

"Two children under the age of two." I murmured, "it'll be difficult. Do you think we can handle it?"

John got out of bed and came over to me, wrapping his arms around my middle and pushing his body against my back. I could feel all of him, and I adored it.

"You could handle anything, Em." I smiled at that. John peppered kisses on the back of my neck and up and down my shoulder blades, and a shiver ran through me. He groaned, "baby, don't tease me -"

"You were teasing me!" I giggled, turning around so I was facing him, Julian between us. "It's your fault, Lennon!"

John laughed, "I have to deal with the consequences of your actions, now!" He gestured to his erection, which was very visible in his boxers.

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