♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 ♥

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"Linda, you were amazing." I smiled at her as she clutched the baby, a girl, who was swaddled in blankets and fast asleep already.

Linda tilted her head towards me, glancing away from her new baby only long enough to smile at me.

"Do you want me to get everyone in?"

"Just Paul and Heather." She replied, this time not tearing her eyes away from the sleeping baby. I nodded and left the room, closing the door behind me.

In the hallway, it was like another planet. After Linda had given birth, her room had become tranquil; even the baby had been silent, coming out seemingly content rather than screaming as all of my children had. But in the hallway, it was chaos. People were rushing around, family members and visitors were talking to each other loudly and in the distance I could hear a few medical machines beeping loudly.

Paul, George, Heather and the rest of the children weren't sitting in the hallway as I had expected. I looked around and couldn't see them anywhere. I went over to the nurses' station and smiled sweetly, "I'm looking for my husband?" I asked.

One nurse smiled, "that's a change - usually it's the husband looking for his wife here!"

I chuckled at her joke and then asked, "George Harrison? I was just in with Mrs McCartney -"

"Ah yes," a second nurse said as she looked up from some paperwork. She stood up and came around the side of the desk so we could talk more quietly. The first nurse picked up the second's paperwork and continued to read through it. "As I'm sure you can imagine, they were getting some looks - and babies, in fact. We've had no less than three babies named George today, and then we had another called Paulette, and the mother cried because she wasn't a boy!"

I giggled. Now that was funny.

"We moved them to the break room, I hope you don't mind, Mrs Harrison." The nurse turned and waved to me over her shoulder, "I'll take you to them."

She led me down the corridors and slowly the number of people in them dwindled down until they were empty.

"This is quite a way from the ward," I observed, "were they being harassed that badly?"

Beatlemania had never really died out, so I almost knew the answer to my question before she gave it to me.

"Yes," she paused, "and somebody called the press. We were trying to keep it quite quiet for Mrs McCartney and the new baby." She stopped outside of a door, "they're in here." She then smiled, turned and left.

When I entered, it was serene. Dhani was reading a music magazine, Led Zeppelin were on the front page. He wasn't an amazing reader yet because he was so young, but he was definitely coming along. Julian was fiddling around with a camera that I recognised as Linda's, snapping photos of everybody. Nancy was in George's arms, and they were talking softly to each other. Paul was holding Jack, feeding him milk from a bottle which I had prepared the previous day, and Heather was colouring, sitting beside Paul.

"They're ready for you both now," I said. Everybody looked up. Heather looked very excited, and Paul paled. He looked like he was going to throw up. I knew that he was very nervous about being a father, but I was sure that the excitement by far outweighed the nerve.

Heather exclaimed excitedly, "is it a girl? Please say sister, Auntie Em!"

I smiled as I came round to stand beside her, taking her into my arms. "You have a sister, Heather."

She and Nancy cheered loudly. George chuckled at his daughter, and the two boys groaned.

"We wanted another boy to play with!" Julian complained.

"Well she won't be old enough to play with for a few years yet, boys," I told them, "but girls are just as fun, right?" Dhani buried his head in the magazine head and I turned to Paul. "Congratulations on your new daughter, Paul." I took Jack from him and said, "we'll be down in about forty minutes - you should both have some time with the baby before we burst in."

Paul chuckled, "baby Mary should know that she's going to have a lot of family around her -"

"Mary?" Heather asked.

"After my mum," Paul replied, going over to the door of the break room, "Mary Anna McCartney." Paul left the room and I turned to George, who was beaming broadly.

"Linda and the baby okay, then?" He asked.

I nodded, "they're both fine. Mary's such a content baby."

George smiled and looked at Nancy, who was quite happily playing with his long chocolate brown locks. "Do you think Paul will be okay?"

I nodded again, taking a seat beside my husband, "I think he'll take to it like a fish to water. I saw him with Heather this morning, and that was beautiful."

"Oh?" George asked, waiting for me to elaborate.

"Yeah," I said, "so when I got Linda out to the car, I went back in to tell Paul to bring Heather to you. Well, he was in Heather's room, softly singing to her even though she was asleep."

"Like daddy sings to me?" Nancy asked from George's lap.

I nodded a third time, "yes, honey," I replied, "because Paul is Heather's daddy, too."

"But I thought he didn't know Heather or Linda before?"

I sighed. There was no way I was having the conversation with my four-year-old before I needed to.

"We'll talk about it later." I told her softly, watching lovingly as she went back to playing with George's hair.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now