♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱 ♥

145 7 3

3rd September 1969

I tied Dhani's tie and he pouted, crossing his arms against his chest but not saying anything. I looked to George, who was busy straightening out Nancy's cardigan, finishing that and then quickly moving onto doing Julian's tie.

"Do we have to wear the tie?" Julian asked, looking at his own and then at Dhani's. "It's hot." He gestured to the open window of our kitchen.

I nodded, "you have to." I paused, "Nancy has to wear her cardigan -"

"But she's got a different dress." Julian replied. "Dad, I don't want to go -"

"Don't start, Julian," George said quietly, "because it's been a struggle to get Dhani to get ready this morning, and if he hears you making a fuss then he will, too."

Julian sighed and nodded, going over to where Jack was sitting in his baby chair.

George and I had decided that he would drive the children to school every morning, but on the first day, we took them together. I held Jack, as usual, since George hadn't found a large enough car for all of us yet, and the three children sat in the back.

Nancy was excited, and Julian seemed to be as well - but Dhani was silent, which was no different to usual, though he was chewing his nails down to the quick.

I watched him in the mirror, wondering if George had noticed.

When we arrived, there were lots of parents - mostly mothers - and children of all ages milling about. George pulled the car over and we two got out, going to open the doors to the back seat and waiting for Nancy, Dhani and Julian to climb out.

Nancy skipped along ahead, turning after a few seconds to beckon us along. Julian followed her. George looked at Dhani, who was standing stock still.

"Come on, Dhan," George said quietly, just loud enough for him and me and Dhani to hear, "it won't be as bad as you think."

"You'll have loads of friends, Dhan," I assured him, shushing Jack as he began to whine, getting hungry already despite the fact that I had fed him not three hours ago when he had first woken up.

"Dhani!" Nancy called from about thirty metres away, "come on!"

She ran back to us, grabbed Dhani's hand and then pulled him along behind her back to where Julian was standing. Affectionately, George looked at me and smiled. I cocked my head at him and he chuckled. George put one of his hands on the small of my back and said, "come on, luv," and then the two of us walked after our children, hurrying to keep up with the excited Nancy, who was leading the way.

We took Nancy to her classroom first, since she couldn't wait to get in and meet everybody. The teacher, a young woman who looked like she wasn't young out of university, was standing in front of the open door and smiling widely, greeting each of her new students and their parents as they hurried in. George, Dhani, Nancy, Julian and I joined the queue and waited our turn, reaching the front after about ten minutes.

"Hello," the teacher said brightly to Nancy, "I'm Miss York. And you must be...?"

"Nancy!" Nancy exclaimed as she dashed past Miss York and into the classroom. Amused, Miss York watched her for a few seconds before she turned to face George and me.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

"Y-you're..." she was staring at George. He was blushing. He obviously hadn't expected to be recognised at the school - assuming that the parents and teachers would be too old to know who he was.

He scratched the back of his neck with the hand which he had put on my back, "Mr Harrison." George replied, "and this is my wife," he gestured to me.

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