♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ♥

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"Wow." I said as I walked down the stone steps and into 'the Cavern Club'. It was amazing. A big, domed brick ceiling with stone pillars holding it up, each side being made into a sort of off-room because of the pillars separating it from the dance floor. There was a bar in one corner and a stage at the very front of the dance floor.

"Come 'ead." Paul said from in front of me, waving me forehead. George was behind me, but Paul and John were taking the way.

"Want me to take your coat?" I turned to George and smiled at him, barely visible in the dim light of the Cavern despite it not being lunchtime yet.

I replied, "thank you, Geo, that'd be really nice." I shrugged it off and handed it to him, "where do I get it back?"

"From the cloakroom." He gestured to a hole-in-the-wall with a young girl in there. She smiled at him.

"Hi, George!" She quipped with an excited smile. She was probably two years younger than me.

"Cilla." He dipped his head at her in greeting and then fed my coat through the opening. "Look after this for our Em, would you?"

"Em?" Cilla, the girl, raised an eyebrow. George gestured to me.

"Paul's sister from America." George replied, "you'll be seeing her around a lot, a'right?"

Cilla smiled and gave me a small wave in greeting, though it looked like she wasn't very happy about my presence. Perhaps she liked George.

"Em! Come meet Pete!" George and I hurried away from Cilla in the Cavern's cloakroom and over to Paul who was on the stage, John beside him and a boy who I hadn't yet met behind him on the drums. George went onto the stage and then offered me a hand, pulling me up beside him. Paul and John watched with amused faces. "Em," Paul said, "this is Pete Best, our drummer."

I turned to the drummer and smiled. He was very good looking, and he had a nice smile, which I only noticed when he smiled at me in greeting.

"The elusive Emeraude McCartney." Pete replied, standing up from behind the kit and offering out a hand. I laughed and took it.

"I guess so." I replied. "My reputation precedes me."

"No, just the name." Pete grinned and I instantly liked him. He seemed like a kind, down-to-Earth guy - exactly my kind of guy.

Paul's POV

As Emeraude talked to Pete and smiled at him, I watched George's face twist with jealousy. I groaned quietly.

My best friend was falling for my sister.

John shot me a look and I sighed. He gestured with a shake of his head towards the toilets and I nodded, following him.

Once we were alone, he turned to me. "Is George...?"

I nodded, "it can't be good."

John hummed in agreement. "Reckon it'd make for some good sport, though. She's sweet on Pete from the looks o' things -"

"I'm sure she's just being friendly." I was trying to deny the obvious, somehow feeling protective over Emeraude as if John had just come right out with it and called her a tart like the ones we were used to in Hamburg.

The door to the bathroom opened and George came in with his hair dishevelled like he'd been running his hands through it, and a moody look on his face.

John just looked amused. "Everything a'right, son?"

George looked at him for a few seconds before he groaned. "Pete..."

"Stole your girl, did 'e?" John jeered. George shot him a menacing, annoyed look and John was quiet.

"Paul," George turned to me with a desperate, pleading look on his face. The expression made him look older, somehow. I made a mental note to tell him to use it next time we were on stage somewhere where he was underage, like he had been in Hamburg. "Can't you do something?"

"About my sister liking another guy?"

John hummed in amusement, smirking as he looked between George and I. I looked at John momentarily, silently begging for help with the situation. John just shrugged.

Useless fucker.

"Do we know if she actually likes him?"

"Did you see the way she was looking at him?" George put his head in his hands. "Paul, I really like 'er and this isn't going to end the way I want it to -"

I sighed, moving away from John's side and putting a supportive hand on George's back. "Look," I said, "it's not really my place to do it, but I'll ask her how she feels about you and then let you know, okay?"

George's face lit up.

"Really?" He sounded surprised. Maybe he hadn't expected me to fix it.

Maybe I shouldn't get involved.

It was too late to pull out now, though.

"O'course he will." John interrupted before I had a chance to answer, "and while he's doing that, I'll move in on Dot and have them both!" He threw back his head and laughed maniacally.

I sighed again, "come on, Geo. Birds'll be 'ere soon and we haven't got in a lick o' practice..." we went to leave the bathroom, but I stopped once more. George did the same, and John stopped behind us. "Just do your best to get her away from Pete, a'right?" He nodded, "I don't like him much, either."

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