♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 ♥

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George's POV

Nancy was hungry, Dhani was tired and Julian was bored. It was supposed to have been an interesting day in the studio with them. I had wanted them to play with Heather and Zak, but Heather had been enrolled at the local school and Zak and Jason had gone down with a coughing fit, and so were at home with Maureen.

Paul hadn't shown for work, and neither had John, though I was secretly glad about the latter's absence. I hated taking the kids into the studio when John was there because he always tried to talk and play with Dhan and Jules, who collectively had less memories of John as their father than I had of Hamburg in '62... I had spent a lot of my time in Germany drunk and high on prellies; uppers and downers.

So Ringo and I had neglected the music all day, and instead we'd spent time with the three kids, playing as dragons for the boys and princes for Nancy.

But as I carried Dhani in my arms up the driveway, Julian holding Nancy's hand as the two of them trailed behind me, I couldn't help but think how quiet the house was. All of the lights were off. It was only seven PM, and despite the fact her pregnancy usually left her exhausted, Em never went to bed so early.

I unlocked the door using one hand and laid the snoozing Dhani down on the chaise longue which was against one of the hallway walls. Julian took Nancy into the kitchen, promising that he could make her a sandwich. I trusted him, so I left him to it. At that moment in time, all I could think of was my wife, and why she hadn't been at the door to greet us.

Every other time I took the kids out with me for the day, she would always be antsy, sometimes phoning to check on them during the long hours which we were gone, but always waiting for us by the door when we got in, no matter the time of the night or day.

Quietly, I went up the stairs, not bothering to remove my shoes. I was in too much of a hurry to see if she was okay.

I switched the light on in our bedroom and saw the mattress with a large stain on it, no sheet. Where are you, Em? I asked silently.

I went and looked in each of the kids' rooms. She wasn't in any of them.

I passed a closed door, and heard something. Soft murmurs. I opened the door quickly, practically falling into the room in my haste to see if it was really Emeraude in there.

And it was, only the sight that greeted me was better than any I could have ever imagined.

Emeraude was sitting up in bed, her chest bare and a baby sucking on her teat. My eyes widened.

"Em..." I trailed off, coming further into the room, "you...? Is that...?"

I couldn't finish my sentences.

All I could think about was the little baby that she was holding.

"George!" She exclaimed as loudly as she dared, looking back down quickly at the baby to check that she hadn't startled it. "George -"

"You've had a busy day, then?" I asked, teasing her as I came and sat on the bed beside her, very quickly moving closer and watching, fascinated, as the baby fed.

"Georgie, this is your son." My boy had finished feeding. She handed him off to me and then produced a shirt from behind her, pulling it over her head very quickly and then turning to me.

I was completely fascinated.

My son.

"Jack..." I said in a voice barely more audible than a whisper, "my Jack..."

We had settled on that name a few months ago, agreeing that if the baby was a boy then we would call him Jack Richard, after Ringo.

I teared up as I held him. He was everything that I had ever wanted. I had said that for every one of my children; Dhani - I counted as my own - and Nancy and Jack, who were mine biologically... but Jack felt different. He felt final.

"Em..." she hummed in reply, her head resting on her shoulder with her eyes closed. She was obviously exhausted. I wondered when the midwife had left. I wondered ifEm was hungry, when she'd last had some water and if she was in pain. As much as I loved holding Jack, I wanted to get out of bed and see to my wife and make sure she was okay... but I couldn't tear myself away from the little boy in my arms. "Em, he's perfect, well done, I -"

"Daddy?" Nancy was at the door, Julian and Dhani standing behind her. Their eyes were wide as soon as they noticed that I was holding a baby. I opened my mouth to reply, butEm was there before I could be.

"Hey," she smiled at the three of them, "come get in... there's someone who wants to meet you."

The three of them came into the room and climbed onto the bed, Nancy sitting in my lap facing me and the boys sat in the space between mine andEm's legs.

"This is your little brother, Jack," I said, holding the baby up as best I could so that the three of them had a good view. "He came today while we were at the studio."

I very purposely avoided wording which would lead to further questions -Em and I had already tried to draw straws on who was delivering the birds and the bees conversation to the boys.

"My brother?" Nancy asked, leaning forward eagerly and gingerly touching Jack's nose.

I nodded, watching her as she gently stroked his face, avoiding his eyes and mouth. She was as fascinated as I was with him, apparently.

"Another baby, mummy?" Julian askedEm.

Em and I chuckled, and then she held out her arms. "Yes, Julian." She replied softly as he climbed into her lap. I noticed her wince, but didn't say anything. "Some people just want big families."

Dhani was silent, and I knew from experience that that wasn't good.

Emeraude and I weren't sure about Dhani a lot of the time. He wasn't like Julian or Nancy, or even Zak and Heather. Dhani was very different because he found social situations difficult; he didn't play with anybody at the park other than Julian, or somebody that he knew... it had taken him months to warm to Heather, and he still wasn't completely there with her, yet. His emotions could change like the flick of a switch, and sometimes when he changed, he was difficult to calm down. Everything that he did had to be done just so, and that often extended to what Emeraude, Julian, Nancy and me did, too.

And though she would never admit it, I knew that Emeraude was very worried about it. She knew that the behaviour which Dhani displayed was not usual, and she blamed herself for his difficulties. It broke my heart to see her do so. I knew that there was nothing wrong with Dhani, he simply worked differently. He just wasn't neurotypical.

"What do you think of your new brother then, eh?" I asked the three of them, though aiming the question specifically at Dhani. My heart sunk as he got off of the bed and left the room without a single word.

I exchanged a sad, worried look with Emeraude and then I gave her a supportive smile. I gestured for Julian to move so I could pass Jack toEm, and then I moved Nancy from my lap. I got off of the bed and went to find Dhan.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now