♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨 ♥

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"You're here!" A very pregnant Linda McCartney exclaimed as soon as she opened the front door to us. George was holding Nancy and Jules and Dhani were standing either side of him. All three of the kids idolised him, but especially Nancy.

Linda stepped over the threshold and hugged me - or tried to, given that we were both pregnant; she at seven months and me at eight. She squeezed Nancy's cheeks, greeted George and then told Julian and Dhani to go into the kitchen and help themselves to a drink. They raced off but Nancy stayed with George. Linda turned and led us inside, through the house and out again, down some stone steps and then we were finally in the garden. Everybody was already there; Paul was at the barbecue cooking, Ringo and Maureen were sat at the patio table, drinks in their hands - Maureen was holding their youngest child, Jason, and Linda's daughter, whom Paul had adopted, was running around the garden with Ringo and Maureen's oldest son, Zak.

Shortly after we emerged, Julian and Dhani ran down the steps. I cringed, imagining one of them or the both of them dripping over and hurting themselves - I hated seeing either of them cry.

"Boys!" I called, "be careful!"

They sprinted over to Heather and Zak, and they immediately started playing together. George led the way over to Ringo and Maureen and sat in the seat beside Ringo, he then moved Nancy to sit in his lap.

"Hello, sweet girl." I heard Ringo greet Nancy as I walked past and went straight to Paul.

"Hey," I said to him. Paul put the tongs down and faced me, opening his arms. I hugged him. "Happy birthday."

"And you, Em." He kissed the top of my forehead, "you're the size of a very large watermelon, now." He observed teasingly, looking at my stomach, "baby Harrison keeps getting bigger, eh?"

"Don't you start too," I chided with a smile, "George is convinced there's two -"

"Two?" Paul chuckled, "the amount you two -"

I narrowed my eyes and he cut himself off.

"Umm," he paused, looking back at the steaming meat, "right.. ribs? Sausage?"

I chuckled and turned, going to sit with my husband and our friends. Linda was playing around with Heather and the boys; Zak, Julian and Dhani, so it was just the four of us with Jason and Nancy.

"I'm still going to be godfather, aren't I?"

I bit my lip, nodding at Ringo. "And Mo's going to be godmother -"

"I thought John was coming today?" Maureen interrupted, looking around the garden of 7 Cavendish Avenue as if he would suddenly appear.

I sighed, "he sends his apologies, but he is off with Yoko."

"Oh," Maureen bit her lip, "her."

I nodded, "yeah." I paused, "he came around last week to ask if he could take Dhani and Jules for the weekend; apparently Yoko had her daughter for a few days and he wanted the three of them to meet."

George chuckled, "tell 'em what you told 'im."

George had been very proud of me when I had relayed the story to him. He had been at the studio with Paul and Ringo at the time, but John had neglected to show up to the EMI Studios at Abbey Road that day, and instead had shown up on our doorstep. I had not been happy.

"Dhan! Stop hitting your sister!"

Nancy was screaming. Julian was singing loudly from the music room. My ears were ringing and my head felt as though it was splitting in half.

Somebody knocked at the door and I rolled my eyes. That was all I needed. I was in no mood to entertain company today, and we weren't expecting anybody so I didn't know who it would be.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now