♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 ♥

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"We're really glad that you came to Liverpool." My brother said as we left Forthlin Road. I turned to him in surprise. It didn't seem like Paul to be so soppy - but here he was saying it, his feelings on display for me entirely.

"So am I."

"Me and dad were talking about it last night when I got back from the Cavern," he paused, "he usually waits up, by the way, so if you're ever gonna bring someone home -"

"Ew," I exclaimed, squirming, "gross, Paul!"

"Well if you ever do," he continued, making me feel even more uncomfortable, "make sure you do it when I'm not home - we share a bedroom, now!"

I giggled. "I'm gonna do it on your bed."

"You better not, or I'll... I'll..."

"You can't think of anything worse, can you?" I chuckled, "well why don't we just both promise to put a sock on the door knob or something if we, y'know, have company?"

Paul smirked, "you thinking of having much company then, Em?" He teased.

I giggled, "are you?"

"Touché." He touched his nose and we continued to walk in silence for a few more minutes before he asked, "so how are you feeling?" Paul asked as he led me towards where we were supposed to be meeting George. "I know it's been a rough day or so for you, but I hope that me, John and dad and Mike have at least made it a little bit easier -"

"You've all done so much for me." I told him, "and it's made all the difference. I feel so much better now that I'm with you, Paul." I replied honestly, "I never felt entirely comfortable with Kevin, and even my mum, to an extent. With you and Mike and dad, everything just feels like how it's supposed to be -"

Paul beamed but then interrupted me, yelling, "hey, Geo!" from across the road and down the street, though George, I now realised, was completely recognisable from this distance, even if he had his back to us and a large trench coat shielding him from the bitter Liverpool wind, fresh off the Mersey.

George turned and saw us and I could have sworn that I could see his smile.

Nobody had ever looked happier to be yelled at from fifty yards away.

Paul grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to George, but I stopped him, yanking him back round so that he was looking into my eyes.

"Paul," I said in a deadly serious tone.

"Em." He replied in the same tone.

"Do you think dad would let me change my name to McCartney?" I asked. Paul's mouth opened into a little 'o' before he smiled.

"I think dad would like that." He paused, "but only if you're sure -"

George had hurried to meet us halfway down the road and I gasped when he reached us and I realised that he was holding a bunch of white roses - and he was holding them out to me.

"For you, Em," he said, gesturing for me to take them. I did and smiled, throwing my arms around his body, turning my head to kiss his cheek before I pulled away again, noticing that he was blushing profusely.

"Thank you, Georgie," I giggled at the name, "but you didn't have to... it was my stepdad who died, not -"

"He died?" George asked in disbelief and surprise.

"I..." I looked down at the white roses, "didn't you know? Isn't that what these are for?"

George followed my line of gaze, Paul remained silent. George blushed a deeper red and then replied, "I, uh... no..." he took a deep breath, "I got you those c-cos I really like y-you, Emeraude."

"Oh..." I trailed off, suddenly feeling very awkward. I hoped that I hadn't embarrassed George too badly. "They're lovely, George..."

George frowned, and Paul asked, "aren't you going to say anything back, Em?" I shot him a look - a glare, really.

He got the message and smiled, kissing the top of my head. "Reckon I'll be leaving you two alone, then." He paused, "Geo -"

"I'll walk her home." George promised with a nod of his head. Paul thanked him and then hurried off, leaving the two of us to be alone.

"Let's go some place warmer, eh?" George suggested with a smile. I nodded and he held out his arm to me. I giggled and took it, letting him lead me to wherever he had in mind. We walked in silence, each of us wondering what the night had in store for us.

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I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now