♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱 ♥

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Paul's POV

I went into dad's bedroom with my heart beating quickly. I could hardly imagine how he would react - his long lost daughter home at last - and right outside of his door, too.

"You okay?"

Dad nodded from his place in the bed, "just a cough, I think -"

He was interrupted with a large fit of coughing coming right from his chest. I winced because it sounded painful.

"Doesn't sound like it... I'll bring you some tea up in a few."

Dad nodded, "thanks... how was school?"

"It was good." I sat on the end of the bed and looked at dad, "um, I have to tell you something."

"Is it a bad something?"

I bit my lip. "I don't know... I hope not... but you told me not to do it."

Dad sighed. "Did you do it for the right reasons?"

I could answer that one easily. "Yes."

"Then I won't be angry with you... but did it hurt anybody?"


Dad nodded, "what is it?"

"Well..." I bit down on my lip some more, tasting metal in my mouth. "You told me not to contact Emeraude -"

"Paul..." Dad trailed off, putting a hand to his head. "You didn't tell her, did you?"

"I had to, dad!" I exclaimed, though I didn't shout. "She didn't know, and she had to! We're family and once I knew about her, I felt that I had to write to her -"

"Does her mother know?"

"Dad..." I sighed, thinking that Emeraude should be the one to tell him, but knowing that there was no way out of it for me, "Emeraude's mum died a few months ago..."

Dad was silent, a sad look taking over his usually happy face.


"I'm sorry..." We sat in silence for a minute before I said, "I have to tell you something else."

"I'm not sure how much I can take, Paul... to know that Emeraude knows -"

"Emeraude's right outside, dad." I paused. "Her stepfather moved them to Liverpool, and I ran into her - she lives in the same road as John, they're practically next door neighbours -"

"What a small world." My dad remarked in a wry tone, though he sounded as if he was pondering on the situation.

I hummed in reply. "She's right outside the door... and she'd really like to meet you. Would you like to meet her?"

"M-meet her?" I nodded. "Of course I would, Paul! She's my daughter! Let her in!"

I nodded, beaming, and stood up to go and opened the bedroom door.

Emeraude and Mike were standing in the hallway facing each other. When I opened the bedroom door, they both turned to look at me, though Emeraude's eyes were immediately drawn to something over my shoulder. I know that she had seen dad in the bed behind me.

"Emeraude -"

"Paul, as my brother, I think you can call me Emmy..." she paused, "actually, better make it Em - my stepdad calls me Emmy, and I hate him."

I nodded, smiling as I started my sentence again, "Em, dad's ready for you."

"Who's she, Paul?" Mike asked as I stepped aside to let Em into the room.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now