♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ♥

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"Ruth, this is from Paul, John, Julian and me." I put the wrapped present in her little hands and watched as she grinned and then tore off the wrapping paper.

She beamed at the two dolls from Harrods that I had bought her the previous month, that day when I had bumped into Cynthia and Jane.

"Mummy, look!" She waved them at Angie, who smiled.

"They're lovely, Ruthie." Angie said before she turned to me, "you didn't have to do that - those dolls are expensive." She furrowed her eyebrows.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Paul said, "it was my money, Angie, don't worry about it."

"But -"

"John, will you play with me?" Ruth ran over to John, who had been deep in conversation with Paul. However, he agreed immediately and got up to take Ruth into the other room so their game wouldn't disturb us.

Mimi was holding Julian, who was asleep. The doorbell rang and I stood up to go and answer it, but Paul stopped me. "I'll get it."

He disappeared, and a few seconds later we heard Jane. "Paul! Happy Christmas!" I swore that I could hear the sound of her lips against his cheek from the living room where we all were sitting, and I gagged.

"Are you alright, Em?" Angie asked, putting a hand on my back and rubbing up and down soothingly. "You've gone all pale."

"I, um," I took a few deep breaths, "I need a minute." I disappeared upstairs before Jane came into the living room.

An hour later, John knocked on the door and I let him in, going back to the bed and sitting down. "Are you a'right?" He asked, "your dad said you scarpered pretty quick -"

"I just hate Jane."

John nodded, coming to sit beside me, "so do I, but you can't just leave whenever she arrives."

"But she'll find out." I looked at my baby bump and John sighed.

"Fuck her."

I cringed at his language, though I definitely wanted to giggle. "She'll tell Cynthia." I pointed out.

"If Cyn didn't figure it out after last night then she should be told."

"But Julian -"

"Listen," John put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head, "he's here. He doesn't ever have to go back if we don't want him too. First thing tomorrow, I'll set Eppy to looking for 'houses, and as soon as he finds the right one, we'll be in it, I promise."

"But -"

"Em, stop stressing," he said, "it's not good for you. Life's for living. You live it fast and you live it laughing."

I nodded, taking a few deep breaths before I nodded again. "Okay... I think I'm ready to face the she-witch."

John chuckled, "she'll be your sister-in-law one day -"

"Then she'll be yours, too." I pointed out.

John pulled a silly face and we both burst into fits of laughter.

When we had contained our giggles, John and I went back downstairs. I went straight over to Mimi and took Julian from her, who was now awake. I cooed at him and tried to ignore the very pointed daggers which Jane was shooting my way.

When I could avoid it no more, I turned to her. "Is something wrong, Jane?" I asked her sweetly, "you've been staring at me for almost five minutes."

"It seems everyone made it for Christmas," she replied, feigning innocence, "all except your baby's father, of course."

I chuckled, shushing Julian, who had begun to hush, "oh no," I replied, "he made it, too." I gestured to John, "I actually think you might know him?"

I smirked as she paled. "B-but -" she cut herself off, trying to articulate her words. "C-Cynthia -"

"Will get the paperwork in the new year." John came to stand beside me, "the baby's due in June. By then, we'll be married - and you'll be on your back in Soho if we have our way." I slapped him playfully, giggling and delighting at how uncomfortable and angry Jane looked.

"You -"

"Dinner's ready!" Paul appeared in the doorway, cutting his livid girlfriend off. He looked at her, "is something wrong, Jane?" He asked her, completely unaware of the conversation which had passed between the three of us just moments before.

She just shook her head and stormed off, past Paul and into the dining room.

I sat on one side of John, and Ruth insisted on sitting on his other side. Angie was across from her daughter, Jim between her and Mimi. Paul sat at the head of the table and Jane at the other end. Dinner looked delicious, and there was nothing that I wanted more than to dig into the delight which awaited, but I waited patiently whilst Paul poured everybody (other than Ruth, of course), a glass of bucks fizz - the cheap alternative to champagne, which John quietly promised me we would have next year when the band had hit it big and he could afford such lovely things for us.

Paul raised his glass, "to the new year -"

"To a new baby," John interrupted, raising his own glass and taking over from Paul, "a new family," he paused and smiled at me and then at Paul, and then little Ruth, who was beaming at the attention from him, "and to the best band in the world."

"To the new year!" Everybody chorused before taking a sip.

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