♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ♥

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Ringo poked his head round the side of the door, clearing his throat to alert us both that he was there. "Oh," he said in surprise when he saw a blubbering mess on the floor which consisted of both John and myself, "I'll, um... come back later?"

He went to close the door, but I said, "what's wrong, Ringo?"

He came further into the room and knelt down beside us. John very quickly pulled himself together and wiped his eyes, and Ringo pretended not to notice the kind of state that his friend was in.

"George wanted to know when dinner would be ready, Em." Ringo told me, "he said he was hungry, and I offered to come and ask - but I think I'll just tell him to cook it himself -" Ringo went to stand up, but I put a hand on his wrist. His blue eyes met mine and I smiled softly at him, silently letting him know that I was fine... that both John and I were fine...

"It's fine, Rings." I told him, "I'll do it." I slowly disentangled John's arms from around me and stood up, leaving the two Beatles in the living room as I went into the kitchen. The other two; my brother and my boyfriend, Paul and George respectively, were sitting around the little circular kitchen table which took pride of place in the centre of the room, a fresh bunch of flowers in the middle of it.

"Hey," Paul said when he noticed me enter the room. George immediately looked up from the newspaper which he had been reading and met my eyes.

Guilt, an altogether unfamiliar feeling to me, swarmed in my gut and made me feel like I would throw up.

I kissed John.

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the thought.

"You a'right, luv?" George asked as I came further into the room and went over to the fridge, opening it to see what I could pull together for the boys' dinner.

I nodded, humming. "I thought there was a fly." I refused to meet his eyes again. Instead, I looked at Paul. "How's Jane?" I asked, obviously trying to divert my attention from John in the next room... and his soft lips.

I shook my head again.

"That pesky fly again, eh?" George teased me, chuckling to himself.

I joined him in laughter, but I didn't feel it. It didn't take over my entire body like happiness usually did.

I kissed John.

I wished that I could take it back, but I knew that the feeling of his lips would forever be burned onto my own. I would never forget it.

I kissed John.

I had been so deep in my own thoughts that I hadn't even noticed that Paul had been talking, answering my earlier question about Jane.

When he finished, I just smiled wryly at him, "that's good." I prayed that he had told me she was fine, because if he had said she was not doing well, then my reply was not appropriate. I actually didn't like Jane, but I wouldn't wish harm on her because she made my brother very happy.

"Em," George said as he stood up and crossed the room, placing one of his hands on my hip and slowly turning me round to face him. Our faces were centimetres apart, "is something wrong? Are you a'right? Have I done something?"

I sighed, still not meeting his gaze. Instead, I looked at the love bite which I had left on his neck the previous evening.

I wished we could turn back time and be in that moment again... nothing would ever be the same.

I kissed John.

"I'm fine, George." I told him, actually pushing him away from me, albeit gently.

"Em?" Paul asked, realising how I was being with George and that there was obviously something wrong. "Do you want to go for a walk?"

That was why I loved Paul; because he could read me like a book. I wanted nothing more than to talk to him and tell him about the unspeakable thing which I had done, but I knew that I couldn't. To force him to keep it a secret from George, his best friend since their early teenage years, and also to put tension between him and John, who was his equal in ways that even I wasn't, would be cruel and selfish. I couldn't do that.

"I think I'm going to go to bed, actually, Paul." I told him softly, "do you mind?"

"Not at all," he told me.

"Em, do you want me to pop my head in in a bit to make sure you're okay?" George asked me sweetly.

I looked at him and felt pain in my heart. How could I do it to him? He deserved so much better than me.

"I'm okay, I think, Geo." I told him, "you and Rings entertain the boys for me, then maybe clean up the kitchen." He nodded. I smiled by way of a thank you then went over to Paul. I hugged him, "night, Paulie, love you."

"Night, Em. See you in the morning." Paul smiled and wrapped his arms around me briefly before letting me go and gently pushing me towards George.

I went over to him, "night, Geo..." he leant down to kiss my lips, but I turned my head and he caught my cheek. I dashed off into the bedroom, calling out a quick "goodnight!" to John and Ringo, who were still in the living room.

When I was alone in mine and George's bedroom, lying on our bed, I stuck my hand up my skirt and into my panties, thoughts of one person clouding my mind... a man with slightly ginger hair and a crooked smile. John.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now