♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧 ♥

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As soon as John and I walked into the diner, side-by-side, a smile appeared on Paul's face and it lit up the room. He stood up in greeting, crossing the diner to meet us halfway. George, who had been sitting opposite Paul at the table. He smiled at the sight of John and I, though he didn't get up to come and meet us as my brother had done.

"You look nice," Paul told me with a smile as he brought me into his arms.

"Thank you," I replied. "John picked this one - I haven't really got anything for the English weather, so -"

Paul reached into his pocket and brought out £3. I wasn't completely familiar with English money and its worth yet, but I knew that was a lot of money - a week's pay, even.

He led us back to the table. "Dad told me to give this to you -"

"I can't take that!" I told him. He slid into the seat beside me and John sat opposite him, next to George, who smiled in greeting at me.

"Said it's the least he can do, Em." Paul answered quietly, leaning closer to me as if he didn't want the others to hear.

I wondered if they knew of the exact situation between Jim and myself.

"It's a week's pay at least!" I exclaimed, pushing his hand back towards his body, trying to show how much I didn't want to take Jim's money from him.

"Eh!" John exclaimed, gesturing for the waitress to come over. She sighed visibly and grabbed her notepad, coming over somewhat reluctantly. "I'll have a -"

"Tea and bacon sarnie." The waitress interrupted, reading from her notepad.

"Geo and I a'ready ordered for everyone." Paul explained before he turned back to me, "just take it. Even if you don't spend it, just take it because it'll make dad happy."

I wanted to make Jim happy. I sighed and took the money from him, quickly putting it into the purse which I had brought with me.

"If you don't want it, then I'll take it quite 'appily!" John exclaimed as the same waitress put a mug of tea down in front of him and then one in front of George. She went back to get two more, putting one in front of me and one in front of Paul.

"Nice try, Lennon." Paul replied with an amused, lopsided grin. "This money's for the lost McCartney, as our Mike calls her."

I sighed but smiled, amused by my brothers.

The waitress put the plates down in front of us before going back for the rest. She asked if we wanted anything else and waited for us to reply with a "no" before she left.

We all dug in, talking quite comfortably as we ate.

"You coming to the Cavern for lunch?" George asked around a mouthful of egg and beans.

"The Cavern?" I echoed, "what's that?"

"It's a club that we play at." John explained, sipping from his mug of steaming tea.

"You play?"

The three boys nodded. "Guitar and lead singer," John replied.

"Guitar and backing vocals... and the occasional Little Richard song -" I cut Paul off.

"I love Little Richard!" I clapped my hands together happily and George smiled at my reaction, his eyes seemingly lighting up at it.

I blushed when I locked eyes with him and lowered my hands, picking up my fork once more and going back to eating my breakfast.

"And George does lead guitar, and sings occasionally with me, don't you, Geo?" Paul looked at the boy sitting opposite me.

George looked embarrassed, so he replied quietly, "yeah..." before he went back to his food.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now