♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 ♥

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Emeraude's POV

"Nancy?" I asked my daughter, "where's daddy?"

She shrugged, "he'll be back later, he said."

"But did he say where he was going?" She shook her head and I sighed, "okay, Nance, go and play."

She climbed off of the settee and hurried off. I sat down, embracing the moment of silence as Nancy was playing, Julian and Dhani were listening to the radio in the other room and Jack was napping after I had taken him for a stroll earlier that day.

I rested my forehead in my hand and sighed once more. I constantly had a headache. I was so confused. I had argued with Paul and I was annoyed about it, but I missed him. I had had cross words with Linda, but I didn't dislike her - I knew that she was simply trying to do the best for Paul. I wanted to be there for her as she came to the end of her pregnancy and Paul's first baby was born, but I didn't know if she wanted me around.

But most of all, I missed George.

We'd grown apart the last few days. I had had so much on my mind since I had argued with Paul and read the elephant in the room.

The Beatles were ending. It was only a matter of time.

I had been ignoring George, and his needs. I had been obstinate and I had left the children to him many nights when I had gone to bed - but not because I wanted to escape them, rather that I needed the peace and the rest to mull over what had happened between my older brother and myself.

Somewhere in the house, a phone was ringing, but I ignored it.

"Mummy!" Julian called from his bedroom, which was next to Dhani's so the two could still play together.

I sighed and stood up. There was never any peace in the house. I went to answer the phone, checking that Nancy and the two boys were playing happily and that Jack was sleeping okay before I did. By then, the first call had finished and another had started though it was most likely the same person just calling back.

"Hello?" I asked, purposely not giving my name in case it was a fan who was calling.

"Put the kettle on, Em, I'm leaving now." And then my persistent caller - Paul - hung up. My heart was thudding in my chest. Paul's coming! I could hardly get over how happy I was about that.

I hurried into Dhani's room first, "Uncle Paul's coming!" I then went into Nancy and Julian's rooms, exclaiming the same thing.

Nancy was the only one who responded, standing up and throwing her arms into the air, shrieking, "Uncle Paul! Heather! Auntie Linda!"

She adored Paul, Heather and Linda, and I was sure that she'd be the same with the new baby because she was so wonderful with Jack. She wanted to help me care for him all of the time, which was sometimes quite exhausting because I constantly had to fight her off, but it was a wonderful feeling to know that the two siblings would have each other for life - and they'd always have their two older brothers, also.

"Em!" I jumped, hearing the front door slam and George's voice echo throughout the house. I ran to the top of the staircase and saw him standing in the hallway below, looking directly up the staircase and at me. He looked like he was waiting for something terrible to happen, a wince already half on his face.

But I was happy again now that Paul was coming, and I was confident that everything would be resolved. I ran down the stairs, throwing myself into his arms. George caught me just in time, but took several step backs as he fought to stabilise both of our weights.

When I looked at his face, his smile was contagious. I realised how much I had hurt him - just having me in his arms had him grinning like a Cheshire cat or a kid on Christmas morning. He kissed me, one of his hands going to my chin so he could hold me to him. The moment was perfect.

"I've missed you..." he said quietly as he pulled his lips from mine, a thin string of saliva connecting us still.

"I'm sorry, Georgie," I replied in a tone just as quiet, not wanting the children to overhear us, "I've been a horrible wife. I shouldn't have ignored you, I've just... I've had a lot on my mind the last few days, what with Paul and the band and -"

"You know about the band?" George asked in surprise and disbelief, his voice going up by an octave.

"I worked it out." I told him, "and I didn't say anything to you because I know it's everything to you -"

"You are everything to me," George said in a hard tone, looking straight into my clear, crystal blue eyes. "You and the children, of course... music is important, but it's nothing compared to my family. I could lose music, and I could lose the band, but I couldn't lose any of you."

I hugged him again, wondering how I had ever pushed such a sweet man away from me.

"We feel the same way about you..." I promised. George tightened his arms around me and then looked over my shoulder, smiling at something behind me. I turned, "what're you -?"

When I saw Nancy standing there, I smiled too. "How long've you been there?" George asked as he removed his arms from me and instead went over to his daughter, kneeling down so he could talk to her on an even level, "you weren't listening, were you? Y'know mummy hates it when you do that."

She smiled and shook her head. "Did you do it, daddy?" She whispered into George's ear, though she wasn't very good at whispering so I heard every word.

George nodded and took her into his arms, standing up and resting her on his hip. "I think you're gettin' too big for me to hold you like this, darling." George said softly to her, "it'll have to be little Jack's turn, soon -"

"NO!" She looped her arms around his neck possessively and George and I smiled. He looked at Nancy like she was the sunshine in his sky, and I knew why.

Nancy was George's first child, biologically. Of course, he loved Julian and Dhani and treated them no differently to how he treated Nancy, but she was very special to him and he loved her differently than he did the others; barring Jack, of course, who was also biologically his child.

But he would never voice that to me, or Julian or Dhani... I doubted that he'd ever tell anybody, actually. I didn't even know if he knew that he loved Nancy and Jack differently, or if it was something that only somebody looking in could see... I hoped not, because I didn't ever want Jules or Dhani to notice and I knew that George wouldn't want that, either.

There was a knock on the door and I jumped out of my revelry, turning away from the beautiful sight of George and Nancy to answer the door. In my hurry to be with George and my wandering mind at the sight of my husband and daughter, I had almost forgotten that my brother was coming over... and I had forgotten to put the kettle on.

As soon as I opened the door, it was as if we had never quarrelled. Paul took me into his arms and I hugged him back, the two of us muttering hurried apologies before I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the living room, our argument completely forgotten about and smiles on our faces like we were teenagers back in our shared bedroom in Forthlin Road, Liverpool, once more.

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