♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞 ♥

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George, as promised, had walked me home after our 'date'. It was a few hours after night had fallen, and when I got through the door - after kissing George's cheek to say goodbye - Paul descended on me.

"What happened?" He asked desperately, "did he do it? He said he would -"

I laughed, patting my brother's shoulder as a way of silencing him. "Yes," I replied, "he did it." I hung up my coat - well actually, I had borrowed it from Paul - and then turned to him.

"What did you say?"

"I said yes."

"So you're dating George now?" Paul asked rhetorically, but my answer surprised him.

"From Monday?"

"Monday?" Paul echoed in surprise. I nodded. "Why Monday?"

"Because I have to get some things sorted first -"

"But Monday is a few days away. What're you going to sort out before then -?"

"Em?" We heard dad call from his bedroom, "is that you?"

Paul gestured for me to go up the stairs, so I kicked my shoes off and then did just that. Paul followed me.

I knocked on dad's bedroom door first in case he was indecent, but he called me in right away.

"You're home." Jim said, sighing in relief as he settled back against the pillows of the bed. "I'm glad."

"Sorry if I worried you, dad." I replied, sitting on the empty side of the bed, the one where I assumed Paul and Mike's mum used to sleep in, "I didn't mean to."

"I know that." Dad smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder, patting it like I had just done to Paul. "You're a good kid, Em, and I trust you."

"Well that's good -"

"How was the date with George?"

"Y-you knew about that?" I asked in disbelief.

Dad nodded and then chuckled as Paul settled himself down beside me, sandwiching me between him and our dad. "Paul told me earlier before you both left."

"Did everybody know but me?" I asked, turning to my big brother.

He shrugged, "I don't think Mike did...?"

"AboutEm and George's date!?" Mike called from his bedroom, "yeah, I knew!"

The three of us laughed, unsure if Mike was laughing as well since he didn't emerge.

"So?" Dad asked, "what did you say to George when he asked you to be his girlfriend?"

"Well, I said that he'd have to wait until Monday."

"For an answer?"

"No," I replied, "I said that on Monday morning, when we woke up, we'd be going steady." I paused, "I hope that's okay?" I looked at dad when I asked this, quickly elaborating, "because I don't know what your policy is on boyfriends -" I cut myself off, looking briefly at Paul, "girlfriends, I suppose. Partners, even."

Dad chuckled, "I don't mind. I like meeting them and having them around. Make them part of the family... but they're not allowed in your room unless the door is open -"

Paul chuckled, sounding much the same as Jim had done so previously, "but if you shut our bedroom door really slowly, then he'll never know."

"Right," Jim said in a teasing tone, "next time, I'm coming up to check on your, Mister."

"What makes you think there'll be a next time, da?" Paul asked, "nowEm and me are sharing, I'll have to find somewhere new to take the birds -"

"Ew, Paul." I wrinkled my eyes up, "gross. Can you be a little less descriptive?"

Paul chuckled and pulled me into his arms. "It's good to have you 'round, Em. Fancy walkin' to school with me Monday?"

I shook my head, "sorry, Paulie," I replied, "but I'm walking to school with my boyfriend."

Jim laughed. "You two get out of here - I want to hear snores in the next twenty minutes."

"I don't snore, dad."

"Well unfortunately for you," dad replied, "Paul does, so I hope you brought earplugs."

Paul got off of the bed and led me to his bedroom - our bedroom - and I followed, calling out, "night, dad!" as I reached it.

"This'll be your bed." Paul gestured to the one closest to the window, "it's kind of noisy, and squeaks a lot, but it'll be fine... probably." I giggled. "Well," Paul said as he gestured to the little wardrobe in the corner of the room, "I cleared out a bit of space in 'ere for you," he opened one door and gestured to about half of it which was empty, "and there's two drawers in the dresser in the hallway - it won't fit in 'ere with the bed, so we'll have to make do -"

"This is fine, Paul." I assured him. "Perfect, actually. I'm so grateful to you, Mike and dad for fitting me in. Quite honestly, you could have stuck me in the larder and I'd be grateful to you."

He chuckled. "Pantry 'ere, Em." I nodded, making a mental note before he said, "and I asked dad about changing your name. He said he'd go down to the office tomorrow and get papers to do it. Reckons it'll be done by the end of the week."

I hugged Paul, "thank you. You're the best brother ever."

"I'll be the best brother forever." Paul promised, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head, "you're stuck with me now, Emeraude McCartney."

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