♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨 ♥

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George pushed me against the door as soon as we were in our bedroom. The door slid shut and I giggled, realising how close we were to finally taking the last step in our relationship. I couldn't believe that it had taken us two years - but that we were finally there.

George's lips were all over my face and my neck, sucking and biting on the soft skin which was exposed by my collar. He unbuttoned my shirt very slowly and then pulled it from my body, gawking at my breasts, which were barely covered in the lace bra which I was wearing.

George dipped his head and pressed soft kisses to each of my nipples over the top of the lace. He then reached behind me and unclasped my bra, helping me to slip it off and then throwing it to the side of us. When my breasts were bare, I looked him dead in the eyes and whispered, "I love you, George."

The most perfect man in the world only smiled at me and then kissed my lips softly - chastely. He was showing me how much he loved me.

"Not nearly as much as I love you, Em."

I embraced him, and for a few seconds this wasn't about having sex or making love. It was about the two of us being together and appreciating the other for all their flaws and insecurities. George and I were tighter than tight. We were made to last. We'd never had a serious argument, never had to question each other about anything.

"George?" He hummed in reply, pulling away from me just enough that he could look into my eyes, "make love to me?"

A small smile spread across his face as his hands slipped from the small of my back to my trousers. He unzipped them and then pushed the restrictive material down my legs. I moaned a little as he knelt down and pushed them further down. I was wearing only my panties by the time he regained his full height. George's hand kneaded my breasts and I moaned.

"I remember the first time I ever touched these..." he smirked at the memory.

"You ran out of the picture house -"

He flushed, "I remember the first time I touched them properly." He paused, "I thought all my Christmases had come at once."

I giggled and leaned closer to his ear, whispering, "I remember the first time I ever gave you head." He flushed a deeper red as I continued, "You exploded in my mouth and I couldn't take everything..." I trailed off for the sexual tension between us to increase, "but tonight, Georgie, I'm going to take everything and be a good girl - just for you."

George stuttered, "o-oh, fuck..." he turned to the bed briefly and then back to me, "Em, get on the bed. I don't think I'm going to last very long tonight and I need you so badly."

I did as he had told me to. As sultry as I could, I swaggered over to the bed and laid down on top of it, sitting up against the headboard. I then looked across the room at George, who was still standing by the door, though he was trying to get his clothes off as fast as humanly possible. As he slowly walked towards me, a primal look in his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes, I spread my legs so he could see his prize. He was drooling by the time he climbed onto the bed, his erection in one of his hands as he lazily stroked it, bringing himself to the edge before he stuffed me.

"Okay, baby," he said as he lined himself up, slicking himself in the juice of my leaking cunt before he waited for me to give him the go-ahead, "if this hurts, then I'll stop. If you don't want to keep going, then we'll -"

"George..." I whined, wiggling against him, "please just fuck me."

He smirked, his fangs slipping out from behind his front lip. With that image of him in my mind, George pushed into me and I gasped in delight and surprise, my eyes widening as my legs involuntarily spread wider to allow him more access. The feeling of my boyfriend finally being inside of me was divine.

When he had filled me entirely, he looked into my eyes, "does it hurt?"

I wouldn't lie to him. I had made that promise to him a long time ago, not long after we had first gotten together. "A little," I admitted. George's eyebrows furrowed and he tried to pull out, but one of my hands on his back was enough to stop him, "but it isn't unpleasant. It's like... like getting into a hot bath - it's a little too hot to handle, but it feels wonderful."

"So you want me to keep going?" He asked for clarification.

I giggled and nodded, sitting up a little more so I could press a soft kiss to the tip of his nose, something which I loved to do.

"I do." I confirmed.

George pulled out of me by just an inch and then pushed back in, continuing to do this slowly and lovingly until I begged for him to go faster. And he did. Within seconds, my boyfriend was pounding into me and making me feel things more deeper than I ever had before.

My walls clenched around him. "G-George..." I warned him.

"This isn't the best, baby..." George took one of my legs and brought it up, hooking it over his shoulder. He then continued to drive himself into me and I screamed, my vision blurring as he hit a spot so deep within me that I had never reached it when pleasuring myself before. I exploded at almost the exact same time as he did, the both of us screaming the other's name as our pleasures mixed inside of me.

Exhausted, George collapsed beside me, the two of us breathing deeply as we tried to regain the air in our lungs.

"I can't believe how long we waited to do that." George said, huffing and puffing. I nodded, giggling in agreement. A few seconds later, George asked me, "what're you doing tomorrow? I have to go and meet the boys and then head to an interview with -"

"I'll be here," I told him, pausing for effect, "waiting for you to come home and bang me into the mattress again."

He flushed a deep red. "Maybe the interview isn't that important... there are obviously matters much more important that need attending to -"

"Nice try, Geo," I teased him, turning my naked, sweaty body to face him and then using my hand to prop my head up, "go to the interview and just remember that I'm home waiting for you." I got out of the bed and swayed my way across the room, my core aching as sticky liquid leaked out of it. I actually trembled the first few steps that I took - tomorrow I was going to be very sore, indeed.

But did I regret a single second?

Of course not.

"Like the view?" I asked, teasing my boyfriend as I took my bathrobe from the back of the bedroom door and putting it on.

"I like a lot more than the view." I giggled as he got up and strode over to me, still naked. He wrapped his arms around me and I turned my head to kiss his lips, which were just over my shoulder as that was where he was resting his head.

"What do you want for dinner, Georgie?" I asked him, trying to act as if he wasn't affecting me.

"You." He smirked as I blushed a deep red and swatted him away, giggling once again.

"Chicken pasta it is, then!" I squealed as I darted out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

I heard George hurrying after me, and I could only hope that he had put a robe on in case Ringo had arrived home since we'd gone to the bedroom.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now