♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱 ♥

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There were three midwives in the room with me, and I didn't know if this was because of my surname - McCartney - or because of the way that George had ordered the doctors to ensure that I had the very best care.

Either way, it made giving birth as easy as it could have been.

Just four hours after George had driven me to the hospital, I was in a private room with Julian asleep in a little cot bed beside me, George at my side, and in his arms was a tiny bundle of blue blanket... and wrapped in that blanket was my son. Dhani John George Lennon.

John had had no role in choosing the name of his second son, and I had felt slightly rotten about that... but he had not been there for me. He had not supported me. I realised that. When John and I had decided to get together at Christmas time, it had been a spur-of-the-moment, hot headed decision. It had wrecked everything, including our friendship.

I knew that John and I would probably never talk civilly again, which was a shame... I missed him.

But in Dhani, my sweet little Dhani, I had a piece of my best friend.

I had named Dhani after his father, of course, but also my best friend. And then I had named him after George, who had always been there for me, and I knew always would be. He had been totally fascinated by Dhani from the very moment that he had come into the world, though I had refused to let him in the room whilst I pushed a baby from between my legs, and I had instead sent him to wait in the hallway and to look after Julian.

"Geo?" I asked. He looked at me, tearing his eyes away from the baby for a few seconds, "could you ring Paul and let him know?"


I nodded. "I'll be okay with the boys for a few minutes." It thrilled me to be able to say that. I was exhausted, so I gestured for George to put Dhani in the baby basin that had been wheeled in following his birth. George then put his jacket on and left the room.

I looked over to Julian and suddenly wanted to hold him and stroke the brown hair on his head. I threw the blankets back which were covering me and moved my body to get out of the bed. I winced because I ached, but I still pushed myself off of the bed to stand up...

And I fell. I yelped as I landed on my ankle and I felt it click, but I didn't think that it was broken. Julian jerked awake and when he saw me on the floor, he began to cry. Dhani screamed and within seconds I was crying too. I shuffled my way along the floor and over to Julian, putting my hand in his because I wasn't sure if I could stand up because my entire body ached.

"Shush, Jules," I cooed, "it's okay... I-I'm -"

"Mummy hurt?" And then I cried harder, because his first sentence was out of concern for me.

"Jules," I said softly, "I really need you to stop crying because I have to get to -"

"Emeraude!" George rushed into the room and dropped something onto the floor before he reached me, slipping his arms around me; one around my back and the other behind my knees. He picked me up and set me back on the bed. I had managed to quieten Julian down, but Dhani was still shrieking.

"George," I said, waving at the baby, "can you -"

George had Dhani in his arms within a second, and was cradling him tightly to make him feel safe.

The way that George was with Dhani was so natural, I wished that George was Dhani's dad because then everything would have been perfect.

George looked up from Dhani's face and caught me watching them. He blushed, "I, um, sorry... I kind of nicked your baby..." he put Dhani in my arms and then turned away, going to pick up whatever it was that he had dropped when he had run in a few minutes before.

And when he turned back to me, he was holding out a bouquet of white roses.

He looked down at them, "they're not much - I got 'em from the shop downstairs -"

I smiled, "they're beautiful, Georgie." He put them on the table at the end of the bed, smiling as he went over to Julian and picked him up.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you call me that again, Em..."

He sat on the edge of the bed and put Julian on my lap. I had everything that I had ever wanted. A family... well almost, anyway.

"George?" He hummed in reply, completely fascinated with the two boys as Julian softly stroked baby Dhani's nose, giggling when Dhani sneezed. "I-I don't think I can look after them both on m-my own... w-would you come b-back with m-me?"

George just smiled and leant across the two boys, his face getting closer to mine. He gave me plenty of time to pull away, moving as slow as anybody ever had, but I didn't shy away from his movement. George's lips touched mine and my heart leapt in my chest.

And it was then that I realised.

I should never have left him.

Dhani should be George's son...

And I never stopped loving George Harrison.

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