♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲 ♥

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John's POV

"Boys," Eppy sat us down and looked at each of us in turn for several seconds before he took a deep breath. I wondered how bad this news was going to be. I had never seen Brian like this before. "You're number one."

"Number one?" Paul echoed, asking just to be sure that he had heard properly.

"Number one in America." Eppy confirmed, now looking directly at him. I looked down at the floor. It was rare that I could meet the man's gaze nowadays. Whenever I did, I would remember the time that we had spent together the previous year in Spain, just after Julian had been born...

I would remember what we had done.

George was still asleep, so it was just the three of us and Eppy in the living part of the suite which had been booked for us to stay in for our first two shows in the US.

"So that means...?" Ringo trailed off, obviously very excited because his fingers were trembling -

"It means that you've made it, boys." Eppy confirmed with a nod. "There'll be songs written about the four of you. Books. Museums for you... boys, you've written your names on history."

The three of us cheered, not caring if we woke George.

We'd made it.

I stood up and went over to the phone, dialling the number of the person who I longed for the most.

"Hello?" My eyes widened. I had rung Cynthia. I hadn't meant to, I was sure of it. I had meant to call Emeraude - but habit, perhaps - or my subconscious - had caused me to call my now ex-wife.

I slammed the phone down on the hook and turned back to the boys. Eppy had disappeared, so it was just Ringo, Paul and I.

"Come on, Ringo." I snapped as I strode past the two of them, "we're going out."

"But Eppy said -"

I ignored Paul, "man the phone, Paul, in case Emeraude calls -"

"Who did you just call, then?" Paul asked me.

I thought for a split second of telling him the truth, and then apologising profusely because I surely hadn't done it on purpose... had I?

"Scotland Yard." I answered sarcastically, and then I left the hotel suite, Ringo hurrying after me.

Emeraude's POV

The boys had hit the US. I was so proud of them. I knew that they would be able to do it. I had never doubted them, not even for a second. Those four were going to change history, I just knew it.

I picked Julian up and put him into the pram, making sure that he was strapped in tightly so that he wouldn't fall out when he leaned forward. I put my own coat on and sighed, noticing that the last two buttons wouldn't do up over my baby bump.

I made a mental note to ask John for the money to buy a new one.

There were fans outside of the gate, as there always was, and as Julian and I came out of the little side door of the railings, a few of them tried to grab at us, but I pushed them away harshly.

One of the girls fell down and began to cry.

"That'll serve you for it." I said to her as I carried on, threatening to run over the toes of anybody who approached Julian with the pram. Nobody dared. They knew that I was serious after witnessing me pushing that girl down. I hadn't meant to be so forceful with her, but I was glad that they all had the message. When I was past the throng, I turned back to the girls, "and if I were you," I said clearly, "I'd get lost - they're in America on tour for the next few months so there's no point in waiting 'round here -"

The girls all groaned, but one spoke up, "I saw him leave this morning."

My eyes widened at her, "you...?" I asked in disbelief, "Jesus Christ, what time were you here?"

She shrugged, "three or four, I don't know. It was dark."

I opened my mouth to speak, but Julian began to cry. I sighed and came round to the front of the pram to get him out of it. "Girls," I said, addressing them once more when I was holding Julian, "I know you want to see the boys, okay? But you can't stand outside here all day - especially if they're not even in the country..." I paused, "and you definitely can't be here at three in the morning. I don't want to have to get a court order or anything, but this is ridiculous. You're making Julian upset..." I showed him to them, he was crying. "Just go home or go to school or wherever it is that you have to be, and come back in two months. That's when they're due home. If I see any regulars lurking around here before then, I will get the order." I turned and flounced off, pushing the pram with one hand whilst holding Julian with the other arm.

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