♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ♥

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George woke me up with a soft kiss to my lips and a smirk when he saw that I had gone to bed wearing nothing.

"Hmm," he whispered into my ear, brushing some of the stray strands of hair from my face, "I like you like this..." his fingers danced across my skin, dipping underneath the blanket and getting closer to my core, which was already so wet for him.

My eyes widened as George's fingers stirred my clit, "I like it when you do that to me, George - uh!" I cried, moaning as he continued to pleasure me - the best way to wake up.

"I like it when you make that noise -" When we heard the sound of somebody knocking on our bedroom door, he withdrew his fingers from me and put them into his mouth, licking them clean. For a split second, I watched him, mesmerised.

"Are you two up!?" It was Ringo at our door.

"Yeah!" I called, "what's up, Rings?"

"John's here with Cyn and Jules!" He replied, knocking on the door again, "can I come in?"

"No!" George and I exclaimed in unison, but Ringo didn't care. He came in anyway.

"Hey!" We exclaimed in annoyance, as we both tried to cover my bare breasts.

Ringo was wearing only his underpants, and his hair was wet. He had obviously just got out of the shower.

"Ringo!" George and I chorused.

"Put some clothes on!" George added, gesturing to his (almost) naked friend.

Ringo looked down and then back at us, blushing. It was as if he hadn't even realised how little he was wearing. "Oh, sorry, I..." he bit his lip, "I'll go - but shall I -"

"George..." I complained, bothering him by tapping my hands up and down his bare chest, trying to get his attention. It worked. "Get up and go so Ringo'll leave our room and I can put some underwear on -"

"Oh you haven't got any underwear on..." Ringo blushed a deeper red and then looked down at his feet, "I'll um, just leave now..." he slowly turned and left.

I turned to George, "we have to get a lock for our door."

George nodded, humming in agreement. "Or our own place..."

I smiled, leaning forward to kiss him, "I'll call Eppy later and ask him to start looking."

George nodded again and then sighed, trying to get out of our bed - but I reached for his arm and pulled him back. He fell onto the mattress beside me and chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. "We had an agreement, remember?" I waited for him to continue, "I had to go to the interview and remember that you were waiting for me to," he paused, "what was the phrase?" he paused again, "bang you into the mattress."

I giggled, "get going then, Geo, or I don't think you'll ever leave."

George chuckled and got out of the bed. This time I didn't stop him, no matter how much I wanted to.

* * * * *

George gave me a soft kiss on the forehead before he left with John and Ringo. I turned to Cynthia, who was busy feeding baby Julian from her breast.

"Anything up with you and George?" She asked me softly as she wiped some dribble from her son's chin.

I watched her. I watched everything that she did with Julian. I watched every move that she made as a mother and hoped that my time would come soon. I wanted nothing more than to have the opportunity to nurse my own child.

"Nope." I answered, "we're all good."

For once in my life, I was being honest about mine and George's relationship.

"Why did you think there was something up?"

"You just seemed... I don't know," she paused, taking Julian from her breast and recovering herself, "different with him."

"Oh," I smiled, "maybe that's because we, y'know," I paused, smirking, hoping that she got the message and I wouldn't have to explain it.

It took Cynthia several seconds, but when she understood, she beamed and giggled and jumped up from her seat, poor little Julian being jolted around as his mother celebrated my success - and George's, of course.

"Careful with that baby!" I exclaimed jokingly at her, taking the bundle of joy from her arms and cradling him to my breasts, imagining for a second that he was my baby and not her's. I wanted one of my own so badly.

"You had sex!" Cynthia squealed over and over again as she danced round and round, "I can't believe it! The innocent little Emeraude McCartney finally took the final step and is now as dirty as I am!"

Cynthia was far from dirty. In fact, if you saw her without Julian in her arms, you would assume she was still a prim little lady who went to church and had married her high school sweetheart as soon as they graduated - which wasn't far from the truth. John and Cynthia had married just a few years into college, and before they had both graduated.

"Well I was never exactly innocent, Cynthia."

She opened her mouth to reply, but a crying Julian cut her off. She sighed, stopped dancing round in celebration and took her son from me to soothe his woes. I wondered what George was doing.

I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now