♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 ♥

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After we had finished breakfast, we took our time finishing our teas - but really, I was putting off the inevitable, and Paul was putting off pushing me into the living room.

I had no idea if I was up for this.

Finally, when he realised that we could put it off no longer, Paul put his hand over mine, which was resting on the table top, and he said, "Em, I think the officer's waiting for us."

I nodded slowly. "I know... I just... I don't know what to say, Paul." I paused, "I went in there after John walked me home, and I found him lying there. I turned him over and he was -"

I began to sob, and Paul put his arms around me, shushing me and soothing me.

He sighed, "just tell him that, then. They can't make you say something that you don't know. I'm sure this is regular with all their cases - they have to question the person who found 'em, y'know?"

I sat back and wiped my tears, sniffling as I nodded and looked at John for reassurance.

"I'll be right outside the door if you need me." He promised.

I took a deep breath, "okay... I have to do this, so let's get it done sooner rather than later." Paul nodded and we both stood up, him leading me into the living room and John behind us, waiting at the door, just as he had finished.

The policeman was talking to Aunt Mimi, but when they saw us both enter the room, they stopped their conversation and Mimi got up and left, taking the police officer's empty plate and teacup with her.

I sat on the settee opposite the police officer, who was sitting in the armchair, and Paul sat beside me.

"Miss, I need to speak with you alone -"

"Paul is my brother." I said, "he stays." I sounded a lot more confident than I felt, but that didn't stop me from eyeing the police officer, silently trying to get across that Paul would be staying or we would both be leaving.

The police officer cleared his throat, "v-very well, then..." he took out a notebook and pen and began to ask questions, "I'm Officer Steele. May I ask your name?"

"Emeraude Fisher." I wanted it to be McCartney so badly, but I knew that Officer Steele was making an official report and needed my information to be as accurate as it could be.


"Seventeen. I'll be eighteen in four weeks."

Officer Steele noted my age and then asked, "relationship to the deceased?"

"Stepfather - though until recently, I thought he was my biological father." Paul tightened his grip on my hand and I turned my head to look at him. He gave me a supportive smile and I returned it. I was so grateful for him there at that moment.

"And you found Mr Fisher, correct?"

I nodded. "John - that is, the boy who lives here - was walking me home because it's just across the road. I went in and he went home. I went into the kitchen and buttered a slice of bread for myself because it was late and I was hungry. I noticed that the lights were on in the living room because I could see the light being reflected around the house through mirrors and stuff." I was trying to give as much information as possible. "When I went into the living room to turn them off, Kevin was on the floor, face down. I think I dropped my bread - I don't really remember that part - and then I went over to him and knelt down. I um," I held back a sob as I was forced to relive the previous night's events, "I turned him over and saw he had been lying in a puddle of..."

The police officer nodded, silently telling me that I didn't have to finish. He continued to take notes and then stopped, looking back up at me.

"Did Mr Fisher have any enemies who perhaps might have wanted to hurt him?"

"You don't think it was... m-murder, do you?" I gasped, burying my head in Paul's chest as he held me tightly.

"At this stage, Miss Fisher," Officer Steele said as I continued to cry into my brother's arms, "nothing can be ruled out -"

"Em and Mr Fisher were new in town." Paul informed the police officer, "been 'ere less than a week. No way he'd have enemies already, right, Em?"

I nodded, humming in reply but still not removing my head from Paul's shoulder, where I was now resting it as the policeman continued to ask questions.

I really wanted to tell him to bog off and to leave Paul and I alone, but I knew that he had to do his job, and I had to answer everything he said as honestly and as accurately as possible.

"Miss Fisher, did your stepfather have any addictions? Alcohol, perhaps? Narcotics, even?"

I shook my head. "Not that I know of." Paul helped me to set up, but still kept an arm around me, steadying me. "He drank, but as much as anybody else. Never to excess. He was always responsible with things like that."

The police officer nodded, noting my words down.

"And was the door open when you got back last night?"

I thought for a few seconds. "No. I had to pull down the handle to open it because it was on the latch."

Officer Steele finished taking his notes before he said, "well, thank you for answering my questions... do you have a legal guardian in the city?"

"Our dad." Paul said before I could. "Jim McCartney, 20 Forthlin Road. We're heading back there in a bit, Officer. Feel free to stop by if you need anymore information from my sister."

Officer Steele scribbled down the address Paul had said and then he bowed his head, "I'll see myself out." He said as he did just that, leaving Paul and I alone in the living room.

John came in once Steele had left. "You a'right, Em?" He asked, holding out another cup of tea to me.

I nodded and then sighed, wriggling out of Paul's arms to take the teacup and saucer. "Just exhausted, John."

"Best be getting back home to dad, and then you can sleep." I nodded again, agreeing with Paul.

I yawned, "yeah, sounds good."

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