♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨 ♥

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On Monday morning, I rolled over in bed and opened my eyes, only one thought coming to my mind.


I breathed out contentedly and closed my eyes for a few more seconds before I felt my duvet being pulled up and somebody slipping into the bed beside me.

"Happy first day being a Liverpool lad's bird." Paul teased.

I pretended to be asleep.

"Come on," he said, poking the side of my rib cage and making me giggle and open my eyes, grinning at him. "We're going to be late for school."

I groaned. "I forgot about that..."

"You nervous?"

I bit my lip. "Do you think I'll make friends?"

My older brother nodded. "Absolutely. You've got a crackin' accent, and you're American, so everyone will want to be friends with you - not to mention that you're my sister." He said the last part proudly.

I giggled, "Mr Popular, then?"

"You have no idea." He chuckled, "with the girls, anyway... but don't worry - if, by some complete miracle, you don't make any new friends, then you'll have me and Geo - and John's in the school attached but he usually sneaks through for a lunchtime practise."

I nodded, the mention of John and George being around making me feel more easy - and Paul, of course. I had no doubt that the three of them would make me feel very welcome.

"Em!?" I heard dad call from downstairs, "George is at the door for you!"

I turned to Paul, "already?" I asked.

Paul shrugged as best he could whilst lying down. "Guess he couldn't wait to see his girlfriend!"

I giggled, elbowing him. "Shuddup, McCartney."

"As you wish, McCartney."

Dad was taking the documents to the office later so I could officially have my name changed to Emeraude McCartney."

Paul got out of the bed and went into the bathroom, and I got out of the bed to get my new school uniform ready to put on. "I'll be down in a bit, dad!" I called down, realising that I hadn't replied because Paul had distracted me.

* * * * *

When I came downstairs, Paul was sitting at the small table in the kitchen with a cup of tea and George was sitting opposite him with his own cup of the steaming beverage. They both looked up and beamed when they saw me enter the room.

"Thought you'd never join us, Em." Paul teased, taking another sip from his cup.

George had stood up by way of a greeting when I entered the room, a sign of respect. Now he said, "good morning, girlfriend." He came round the side of the table and pecked my cheek politely.

I turned to him and grabbed him by the back of the neck, planting my lips firmly against his own and kissing him passionately. We both closed our eyes and George quickly kissed me back, opening my mouth with his lips and pushing his tongue against my own.

After a minute of watching our make out session, Paul cleared his throat and George and I both disentangled our arms from each other, turning with bright red cheeks to see my brother with his eyes narrowed at us.

"Eh," he said, "none of that where dad can see, y'hear? You gotta keep it out of his sight!"

George and I chuckled and then he reached into the pocket of his school trousers, pulling out four or five daisies, all of them crushed but beautiful nevertheless. "For you." He said, handing them to me. I took them and smiled at him. "I'm sorry they're a little sorry-looking."

"They're beautiful, Geo." I replied honestly, "where did you find them? I didn't think that they grew in the fall -"

"Autumn." Paul corrected, still drinking from his cup of tea. George and I both shot him an annoyed look before we turned back to each other.

He replied, "the late bloomers are coming out now."

My mouth was wide open, totally amazed at how he knew that because I wouldn't have.

George shrugged, "if things don't work out with the band, then I think I'll become a gardener."

I smiled and pecked his lips softly, "I think that sounds like it'd really suit you, Geo."

He beamed and then laced one of his hands with mine and asked, "ready to get to school?"

I nodded and he took my schoolbag from the chair where I had left it the previous night, ready for this morning. He shouldered it, and I tried to object and insist that I could carry it, but he didn't let me. George insisted that he carry it.

"My first official act as boyfriend to the most beautiful girl in all of Liddypool." I blushed and Paul scoffed.

I turned to him and frowned, "you're just jealous, Paul."

"Ah yes," he agreed in a sarcastic tone of voice, "because I would just love to be George Harrison's girlfriend. Forgive me, Em, I don't think I'll ever get over this -"

I took one of the daisies from the bunch in my hand and flicked it at my brother. He closed his eyes just in time, because it hit his left eyelid. Perfect aim.


"It didn't hurt, Paulie." I replied in a patronising, teasing tone. He huffed but stayed silent. I turned to George, "let's go."

George led me out of the room. I called up the stairs, "bye, dad!" but George told me that he had already left for work.

"So," I said as we walked the unfamiliar-to-me way to school, with George leading the way because it was apparently his normal route, "do you and Paul walk together?"

George shook his head. "We usually meet on the bus and then walk the last bit together."

"Oh." I paused, "you could do that today, if you like." I paused again, "I don't want to get between you two."

George chuckled, squeezing my hand, "Em, you could never. Paul and I are best mates, but there's something different when a girl's involved."

"And when that girl is your best friend's sister?" I teased.

George turned to me and smiled, "we'll have to find out."

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I Learnt To Love In Liverpool | George Harrison ✅ Where stories live. Discover now