♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 ♥

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Last thing on Friday, I had history with George, so when the bell rang signalling the end of school, we stood up in sync with each other and left the class, our bags bumping familiarly at the sides of our legs.

We got to the school gates where we had arranged to meet Paul and give him my bag.

And as promised, my brother was there, Mike at his side. Mike went to our school, but because he was in the younger year, we never saw him - though he and Paul sometimes walked home together - they'd been doing so ever since Monday, when I had started walking with George.

"Hey, Paul." I smiled at my brother as I bounded up to him, already holding my bag out to him because I was so eager to get going with George.

"Hey." He smiled in reply, taking my bag from me. "Have a good night, yeah?" He kissed the side of my head. "And if he tries anything," he whispered into my ear, "then I'll batter 'im."

I giggled, "oh, please, Paul." I replied, "you couldn't batter a fish."

"Eh!" He exclaimed, tickling my sides, "you cheeky git!" I squirmed away from him and into George's open arms. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head as he was about three inches taller than me.

"Ready to go?" George asked quietly. I nodded, watching as Paul handed my bag off to Mike.

"Want me to drop your bag off too, Geo?" Paul asked.

My boyfriend replied, "it isn't on your way -"

"Reckon Mike and me can make a detour." Paul gestured for George to hand over his satchel and after only a brief pause, he did. We thanked Mike and Paul and then separated from them, heading towards the picture house on Penny Lane.

When we arrived, George insisted on paying for our tickets, even though I begged him to let me pay for my own.

"My treat." He repeated it over and over, everytime I asked him to let me pay for something; whether it was the tickets for the film, the snacks or the drinks. "And I'm paying for dinner, too," George told me, "so don't even try for that one."

I smiled and let him put a hand around my shoulders and pull me close to him as we walked into the screening room, wide grins on our faces. We sat at the back of the theatre, side-by-side, and our hands entwined.

"I like this film," George said about twenty minutes in. "I just wish it was in -"

"Colour." I finished for him. He hummed in reply. We continued to watch in silence for a few more seconds before I turned my head to him slowly, "Geo?"

"Hmm?" He turned his head to me, our faces barely visible in the dim light provided only by the large screen in front of us.

"I really, really want to kiss you right now."

George smirked and leaned closer to me. I couldn't see this, but I knew because I could smell his scent as he got closer to me. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. As his lips touched mine, my eyelids fluttered closed and my arms went around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I wished that there wasn't an armrest separating us, because the setting of the dark cinema was perfect for a passionate kiss - a hot make out session, really.

We continued to make out, the kiss getting hotter and heavier. My heart was beating so quickly in my chest that I wondered if George could hear it over the volume of the film.

I moaned loudly, and George nipped my bottom lip to elicit another moan from me.

"G-George," I whimpered as the kiss somehow grew even heavier, my hands knotting themselves in his chocolate locks.

George breathed out against my lips and my insides turned to jelly. Everything about this was perfect. Especially George. In the five days which we had been together as boyfriend-girlfriend, we had spent so much time together - every lesson, the trip to school and trip home. He'd walk me home everyday, and now we were here in the picture house together.

I took the hand which he had rested on my knee, and I moved it up my body, placing it over my right breast. It rested there for a few seconds before I said, "just squeeze it a little, Geo... put your hand under my top if it's easier." At my words, he jerked his hand away from my body suddenly and pulled his lips away from mine.

A hand on my breast was as far as I had gone in America with my first boyfriend, Harry... the one who had preferred Sharon Young over me -

But I couldn't bring myself to care.

I had George now, and Harry and Sharon and even Joan occupied less than a minuscule piece of my mind.

George stood up abruptly and rushed out of the screening room. I stood up and hurried after him, having to resist the urge to call out his name and draw attention to not only myself, but also to him. George didn't like attention on him.

When I got outside of the screening room, I paused, looking left and right for him... and I found him. He was leaning against the wall by the men's room. I walked over to him and then leant against the wall beside him.

"Is everything okay?"

He nodded, trying to calm himself, though he was visibly shaken." Everythings fine, Em... just, um, go back inside and I'll be there soon -"

"Did I move too quickly for you, George?" I asked him quietly, coming closer so nobody overheard us. "Because I'm sorry -"

"No." He said in a sure tone of voice, "it's not moving too quickly," he paused, swallowing. "I've just never done any of that stuff, and you obviously have 'cause you're so confident, and I don't want to disappoint you."

"George," I said, taking one of his hands in mine, which caused him to look at me and lock gazes with me and this meant that he calmed down, "I had one boyfriend in America, and he was a douche. We never went any further than him touching me... just like you did in there." I gestured to the screening room. "We don't have to do it again if you don't want to. I just... it feels good, and I want to feel good George, don't you?"

"I want to." He didn't hesitate. "I want to do everything with you -" he blushed as an older woman walked past and gave us both a dirty look, because she had obviously overheard our conversation. "But I've never done anything beyond kissing before and -"

"I'll teach you everything, George." I promised in a seductive tone, "whenever you're ready, I'll teach you everything... and you'd be surprised, because you pick stuff up as you go. When it feels good, you do it."

George smiled and leaned closer to me, pressing a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. "Mind if we get out of here? I'd like to start one of those lessons now."

I giggled eagerly and led him out of the picture house. "Take me somewhere we'll be alone, Geo." I whispered in his ear seductively.

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