Chapter Eighteen

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Once we got our check, she insisted that we split it. After arguing for a small amount of time, I let her pay for her meal and she smiled triumphantly. I rolled my eyes at her stubbornness. I then grabbed my things and she did then same. We were out the door at 1:30, so we still had enough time to make the matinee. I forgot the play that was going to be performed, but that makes it more fun because it's a surprise.

The two of us got onto the right street and I saw the venue a little further ahead. I squinted to see what it was and it read: Romeo and Juliet at 2pm, Don't miss out! $5 per person. The most iconic LOVE STORY is what we're watching, kill me. Welp, hopefully she's ok with watching it. I heard her gasp as we got closer and she got all hyper.

"You ok there?" I asked her.

"I'm more than ok, I'm great! I've never seen Romeo and Juliet as the play so I cant wait to see it! Thank you for bringing me!" She said excitedly and brought me into a quick hug. She released me seconds later and started to skip her way over, yelling at me to pick up the pace. What a dork.

When we got to the ticket booth, I grabbed a $10 bill and handed it to the man without looking up. I heard a cough coming from them and lifted my eyes up, and was met with the eyes I don't want to see outside of school, Jungkook. YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. I felt all life get sucked out of me and only started to move my body when Rosie was dragging me away. I heard him yell after me,

"So how'd the fucking studying go? HUH? YOU FUCKING STOLE HER FROM ME!" He shouted full of anger. His manager, I'm assuming, stepped out to set him straight. But damn, what a lovely time I'm now having. We made our way to open seats and Rosie never let go of my hand the entire time.

Once the play started, my attention was focused on it. I blocked him out and just pretended I never saw him. Halfway through the play, there was a 15 minute intermission. Rosie wanted to go and get a soda for herself, but she was hesitant on leaving me alone. I told her that I would be fine, and she then quickly left, not wanting to leave me alone for long. I took a deep breath in and calmed myself down.

After a few minutes, I finally heard footsteps coming down the aisle behind me and was about to look back to see if it was Rosie, but I then felt cold soda being dumped on my head and someone saying in my ear,

"Leave Roseanne the fuck alone, fag." Ahh it's Junglebook himself. I stood up and started to walk up the aisle passed him to go to the bathroom to clean myself up. Or clean myself up the best I could. But as I lifted my head up to continue up the stairs, I saw Rosie with a complete face of shock as she looked at me. She didn't know what to do in that situation, as I had tears in my eyes and didn't have any intention on stopping right now. My mission was to find the bathroom and get the fuck out of here. I swiftly walked passed her and saw the bathroom sign and made my way over in that direction. I heard her calling out for me, but I didn't look back.

I opened that door and finally got a look at myself. Damn I look like shit. I grabbed some paper towels from the machine and started to wipe my face clean as well and wipe my tears along with it. I heard the bathroom door slam open and was greeted with a very concerned Rosie. I looked at her through the mirror with tears in my eyes and told her she could leave if she wants to. She only looked at me and started to make her way over to me. I saw her opening her arms up to me and I quickly backed up and held up my arms,

"Woah, Rosie stop right there. I don't want you to hug me right now because I'm drenched in what appears to be Diet Coke." I said with a voice crack. Even though I really wanted a hug at the moment, I couldn't ruin her lovely clothes.

"No listen to me y/n. I am going to give you a hug because I know you need one. I don't want you to put my clothes above your emotions. Stop putting materialistic things above emotions." She said angrily. She swatted my guard down and gave me a bear hug and told me to let out it out. I latched onto her and broke down in her arms. When someone tried to enter the bathroom, they were met with the loud yell of Rosie, causing them to scurry off.

With what felt like 5 hours I finally stopped crying and slowly got out of her embrace. My face and eyes were fixated onto the ground as I didn't want to look her in the eyes. I felt soft hands grab the sides of my face and she forced my eyes to meet hers. I saw so many different emotions swirling around in her brown eyes.

"Who did this to you?" She asked quietly.

I scoffed at the question, "Who the hell do you think it was?" I said with an attitude. I realized quickly that my attitude was out of line and apologized.

"Hey, you don't need to apologize for that, I understand. Right now I want to go out there and put him in his place and tell him to stop messing with you." She said turning towards the exit. I quickly grabbed her wrist out of panic. She can't confront him to stop because it would show she cares about me and I'll be dead in no time. I haven't even gotten to kiss her properly yet, I cant die.

"Rosie I cant have you do that. The second you go out there and confront him, it will just make my life more of a living hell. He'll know you care about me and I will get beaten into dust. Please don't say anything." I pleaded her. I saw the wheels in her head turning trying to decide what to do. She let out a sigh and I knew that I won.

"Fine I won't say anything. But the second he does this shit to you again, I'm going to lose it." She said still trying to calm herself down. I told her thank you and started to try and get the soda out of my shirt. I decided since it's just Rosie here with me that she wouldn't mind.

Rosie's POV

I'm going to kill that bastard the next time he does anything to her. She doesn't deserve any of this. I was about to ask her if we were going to watch the rest of the play or leave, but then she took of her fucking shirt. I literally didn't know what to do, so I just stared in shock. Her body was everything I want and her black bra was also very hot. She was wringing out her shirt in the sink and was washing it with water trying to clean it. Once I did my fair share of staring, I realized that I'm staring at her and quickly blushed like a crazy person.

I wanted to leave as soon as possible to give her privacy. So I turned on my heals and ran right into a bathroom stall door. I heard laughter coming from behind me. I guess getting a little hurt isn't that bad if it lifts her mood.

THIS BOOK IS AT 500 READS?!!;$);!;&/?/ WHAT, WHY. THANK YOU FOR READING <3 So in honor of reaching that milestone, here's another update :) Love you guys to the moon and back (haha get it... i'll leave now). have a FANTASTIC DAY/AFTERNOON/NIGHT!!

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