Chapter One Hundred and Forty [M]

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(a/n: y'all obviously know what to expect with this chapter ;) )


Once we finished up at my father's grave, we got back in the car and Rosie wanted to listen to some of his favorite songs. I quickly texted my mom to know some of them and she actually sent me a playlist she has of all his favorites. I put it on shuffle and smiled as the first song that randomly played was 'Here Comes The Sun' by The Beatles. I then started to drive us to the airport.

We got to the airport about an hour before our flight was going to be announced. We went through all the security and boring shit before we sat at our gate and just waited. Rosie leaned her head on my shoulder and I pulled out my airpods and handed her one. I then just looked up some classical music and put it at a low volume because I didn't feel like listening to lyrics right now. I mean, it was 1:32 in the morning. Our flight is at 2am, so we'll end up in Greece when it's around 5pm there.

I just was on my phone reading a story about a forbidden love between two kingdoms. Pretty basic stuff, but it was a lesbian love story, so I was for it. Plus the plot was good, so I obviously wanted to read more.

"Now boarding first class for Flight 283 to Crete, Greece." I heard the announcement over the speaker. I gently woke up Rosie as she had drifted off into a light sleep. She woke up and grabbed her carry on and we both walked up and handed the attendant our first class tickets.

"Have a great flight." She told us with a smile as Rosie and I got onto the plane. The first class seats were really nice and reclined into a bed basically. Rosie and I got to our seats and put our luggage overhead before sitting down. I waited to go to sleep until we took off which was about another 40ish minutes. But as soon as we were in the air, I mumbled an 'I love you' to my already asleep wife and drifted off into a deep sleep.

I only got woken up when the light that shone in through my window became too unbearable. I cracked my eyes open and groaned at how bright it was. I blinked like a billion times before I was able to see clearly out the window. My eyes widened as I realized we are currently flying over the Mediterranean Sea. I pushed down the now for some reason up partition and saw Rosie chilling watching a show on her little TV.

"We're flying over the Mediterranean Sea right now!" I told her excitedly as she just nodded her head and kept her attention on the screen in front of her. I just sighed out and turned my attention back to the window. I put my airpods in and listened to more of The Beatles and just waited until we landed.

After only a few minutes, I felt a hand on my arm and I flinched a little because I wasn't expecting anyone to touch me. I looked over and saw Rosie looking at me with a guilty expression, so I paused my music.

"I'm sorry for not caring about your excitement earlier. I feel bad about that and I've only been your wife for just over a day and I'm already making you feel bad." She told me as I just smiled softly at her.

"It's okay love. You were just into the show and the Mediterranean Sea isn't that important."

"I know, but you looked like a little kid; all happy and I just shot you down. I'm sorry." She said as she leaned over and gave me a kiss. It was soft and meaningful, showing me that she really was sorry. I didn't take it too personal, but it still felt nice to hear an apology from her.

"I also was notified that we are going to be landing in about 2 hours when you were asleep."

"How long have you been up?" I asked her.

"Only about 20 minutes." I hummed in response and just turned my airpods back on and closed my eyes, listening to my music once more. I felt a small weight on my lap and opened my eyes to see that Rosie had laid her head down. Our seats were basically connect, so it was possible. I smiled softly at her and brought my fingers to her hair as I gently ran them through her hair. She nuzzled her face into my stomach and I just sighed as I liked the peaceful vibe going on.

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