Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Rosie's POV

I stirred awake in my girlfriend's arms, making me feel all warm inside. I opened one eye to see her still sound asleep. I looked past her to the clock on her nightstand and saw it was 8:13am. She told me yesterday that her cousins were coming over at 10am, so if she wasn't up at 8:30, I would wake her up. I grabbed my phone and just scrolled through Instagram to pass the time.

My phone soon said 8:30 and I knew I should wake her up because she will take a billion years to get out of bed. So I got out of her embrace which was rather easy and I got on top of her, straddling her waist. I decided to move my hands underneath her shirt and trace random patterns on her stomach. She started to stir a little, but not enough. I then started to leave some open-mouthed kisses along her collarbone area and that got her to wake up. I felt her hand glide through my hair softly,

"Good morning, Rosie." She said, her voice low and raspy. I stopped kissing her body and brought my head up so it was hovering over hers. I met her eyes and smiled down at her, my hair getting in her face. She swatted it out of the way and told me to tie my hair back. I got the hair tie off my wrist and tied my hair up in a lose ponytail.

"Isn't that better," she brought her hand up to the bottom of my chin, "now I can kiss you." I bit my lip and giggled as she brought me in for a kiss. It wasn't needy or anything, but I still got the rush of butterflies. When we parted, she just traced my face with her fingers.

"What?" I asked her.

"Nothing, your face is just pretty." She said honestly. I flicked her forehead,

"Hey, what was that for?" Y/n responded, rubbing the area I hit.

"You weren't thinking straight."

"Well, I am gay." She made the little sound of 'ba dum tss' after with a stupid smile on her face. I couldn't help but laugh at the pathetic joke.

"Why am I dating a weirdo?" I asked shaking my head.

"I don't know, it's what ya signed up for."

"Where's the contract so I can rip it up." I said about to get up and pretend to look for it. But before I could, y/n wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me closer to her, causing me to scream out softly in surprise.

"It's in a secret spot that only I know where it is." She whispered into my ear like it was this big secret and this was some sort of big mission.

"And where might that be?" I asked, also getting into character.

"My heart." This girl. I faked gagged at the cheesy line and we both laughed. I pushed off her and walked over to her dresser to pick some clothes out. I decided on a New York shirt and some ripped blue jeans. I just changed in her room, not caring about my girlfriend drooling over me. She then finally got up and gave me a back hug and she kissed my cheek,

"How come you look better in my clothes than me?"

"Maybe it's because I'm the hottest." She laughed a little,

"You got that right." She squeezed my hips and also picked out her clothes for today. She pulled out some black ripped jeans and a Yosemite National Park shirt. I looked down at it,

"You've been there?" She nodded her head,

"Yup and it was the coolest thing. At night, the sky was the clearest thing ever and you could see millions of stars. And if you put your hand in front of your face, you couldn't even see it." She said, recalling the memories.

"That's sounds awesome."

"It was, I'd like to go back one day. Maybe with you." She winked at me. I felt a blush creep up on my face and told her to hurry up and change so we could go and eat breakfast. She laughed at my shy state and got changed as I went on YouTube to check my channel. My last cover of 'Someone You Loved' by Lewis Capaldi was my most views yet, with 436k views and over 20k likes. I smiled down at that as my subscribers also have gone up too almost 100k.

To The Moon and Back? (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now