Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After I said that response, I just started to eat my sub because I knew she could see my blush. I heard a quiet breathy laugh come from her and she also started eating.

While we were eating our subs, I told Rosie about what happened at school and how the government exam went.

"Yeah the exam wasn't horrible, but then again I know a lot of US history sooo... you'll do fine. She'll probably have you take it during lunch tomorrow. The main things you need to know: the different alliances, the specific dates of certain battles, and who or what some generals did. That's just like the most important parts because I feel like you have everything else down." I said as I reached for my cookie since I finished my sub. She chewed the food that was already in her mouth before she responded,

"I don't know if I want to go to school tomorrow. I doubt I'll feel up to it and I just want to be by myself anyway. I'm not up for human interaction." She said while looking at her sub, taking another bite. My face dropped when she said that, she wants to be alone and her I am being an inconvenience. She must've noticed the lack of response and looked up at me and her face immediately showed signs of panic.

"No, it's not what you're thinking! I want you here with me, you aren't making anything worse. You're making it better and I'm really glad you came here," She said reaching out to hold my hand, "I just don't want to interact with other people, but you're better than other people... so I don't mind you." She said while staring at me, fully meaning every word she spoke.

"Are you sure? I can totally leave you so you can have time to yourself if you want that. I don't want you to just say you want me here just so you don't hurt my feelings; I'll be fine if you actually want me to go." I said, still wary of the situation.

She sighed out and rolled her eyes. She turned her body fully to me and cupped my cheek with her left hand and brought our lips together. I was stunned and my eyes went wide. I didn't respond until a few moments later and let my eyes flutter close. Her kiss wasn't just a simple kiss, it had meaning behind it. It was like she was telling me she's happy I'm here without using words.

Once I got that message, I moved my lips effortlessly against hers and brought her closer to me. She sighed into the kiss and pressed her body up against mine; her hands traveling to the back of my neck to keep our lips locked. I then settled my hands on her hips and decided to keep them there because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

When she pulled back after some time, she scanned my face and brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"Hey, that's supposed to be my thing I do to you." I said to her with a smile. She giggled,

"Well I want to do it too, so live with it." She said while gazing into my eyes with a smile plastered on her face.

"Also," I spoke out to her, "I thought that you wouldn't really kiss me until I took you on that date? I mean I know I'm the exception, but I thought that was a one time thing?"

"Did it look like I wanted to make it a one time thing?" She asked while raising an eyebrow. I shrugged in response,

"Well I don't know, I can't read your mind." I told her, "but since we are on the topic of a date and I didn't specify what day before..." Her eyes grew wide in curiosity and excitement, "Miss Roseanne Park, would you like to go on a date with me this Friday night?"

Rosie squealed excitedly at the proposal of a date and furiously nodded her head at me,

"Of course I would want to go on a date with you this Friday! I was wondering if you forgot to tell me what day!" She said straddling me, "And do I really have to wait until Friday for it?" She groaned out, bringing her head down on my shoulder.

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