Chapter Sixty-Six

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Today I could finally go back to school for the first time in like two weeks. Obviously I was excited because I hated doing everything at home because I had zero motivation. I woke up and got ready, making sure to also take my medication before I went downstairs and ate breakfast with my mom. We then both heard the front door open and in walked Rosie with a smile on her face. We established not long ago that she could just walk in whenever because she's my girlfriend and practically family at this point.

"Hey y/n!" She said all happily as she made her way over to me. She kissed my cheek and sat down next to me as I finished up my food. She looked down at my plate and stole two pieces of bacon from me.

"Rosie, that's my food!" I told her. She just looked me dead in the eyes and ate both pieces. I just rolled my eyes at her and put my plate in the sink and grabbed my things as we were out the door. We walked hand in hand,

"I'm glad you're going back to school," Rosie said from beside me. I looked over at her,


"Well," she started, "I get to walk with you again which is really nice. I also get to see you back in the classroom and apparently in English, we sit next to each other which I didn't know. So that'll be fun."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that we would sit next to each other because I was just worried about you that I forgot." I said laughing a little.

"So I get my partner in crime back and I'm just really excited." She said giving me a peck on my cheek. I then returned the gesture and we soon made it to the school. Some people that I knew said that they were happy I'm back and that they hope I'm doing okay. I talked very briefly with them and the two of us saw the four idiots at the table.

"Hey guys," I said casually. They all looked up at me shocked because I didn't tell them that I was coming back to school today.

"Oh my god, you're back?!" Jennie said happily.

"I'm shocked," Irene stated.

"Yes! I won't be alone in physics anymore!" Lisa shouted, throwing her fists into the air. I laughed at her and sat down next to her as Rosie sat next to Jisoo.

"So, what kind of school drama did I miss?" I said resting my head on my hand.

"Umm, you really didn't miss anything sadly. Just a confrontation between Rosie an–" Jisoo was shut up by Rosie's hand slapping over her mouth, mumbling her words.

"What?" I said clenching my jaw as I was just informed that Rosie was in another confrontation that she didn't tell me about. Everyone didn't speak and I stared Rosie down. It was evident that she wasn't going to speak up in the moment, so I got up.

"I'm going to physics, bye." I told everyone as I got up from the table and went into the school. I heard them say a scared 'bye' to me and I didn't look back. Rosie didn't tell me and no one else did up until this point. That pissed me off, but I just tried to ignore it as I would stress my body out and it would start to hurt again.

The other students started to file into the classroom and I saw Lisa and Rosie shuffle in together. I didn't look at them and just pulled out my notebook. I saw out of the corner of my eye Rosie hesitating to either walk past of try to say something, but she decided against it and sat behind me. Then Lisa sat next to me and she looked over at me and was about to open her mouth,

"Not a fucking word, Manoban." I said lowly. She got the message and didn't say anything for the rest of class.

I continued through the day until lunch rolled around. I knew that everyone would most likely want to meet up and have lunch together, which I didn't want. So when the bell rung, I got my things together and started to walk home for lunch. No one had the same period as me before lunch, so no one saw me leave. I just put my earbuds in and turned on my music softly and gently hummed along, calming myself down.

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