Chapter Nine

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(a/n; I'm not indenting my paragraphs anymore bc I'm lazy :) )

Y/N's POV:

After we finished eating we made our way back to school to finish up the rest of the day. We all met up at the entrance when school finished and made our way home. I felt someone's eyes on me, so I turned around to see Jungkook shooting daggers at me. A chill ran through my body as I tried to shake it off.  Lisa seemed to notice my unease and asked,

"Hey Y/N, you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." She asked tentatively. I saw Rosie turn around as she heard Lisa talk about my unease. Her gaze went past me and she must've spotted Jungkook as her eyes grew emotionless.

"Yeah Lisa I'm fine, just thinking about my calculus test next week." I said with a small voice. Rosie snapped her gaze to me when she heard my voice and strides over to come next to me protectively. She wrapped her arm around mine and leaned her head on my shoulder. Lisa wore a very shocked expression as Rosie was touchy with me. Her expression soon consisted of a smirk and walked to the front with Jennie and Jisoo as we made our way off school property.

"I saw Jungkook staring at you and I'm sure that is the reason you are like this right now." Rosie said.

"Yeah you hit the nail on the head with that one. But it's fine, he won't do anything to me because he will get kicked off the football team if he did. It's just the fact knowing he could turn me to dust is the thing that makes me uneasy." I explained.

"Well he won't get to you with me here." She said looking at me smiling. I felt my face heat up and thanked her quietly. We made our way to Rosie's house and the others said they would just keep going without us. I wanted to kill them in that moment because they all knew I get nervous when I'm alone with Rosie. We walked up to her front porch and she let go of my arm finally, turning them to face me head on.

"Thanks for walking with me. Sorry about Jungkook too, I wish I could easily get him off your back. Anyway, tonight you can come over and we can study for history." She said with a grin.

"Yeah ok I'll come over tonight. Um, what time should I come over though?" I asked.

"I'll text you when my parents leave for their anniversary dinner so we can have no distractions." She said with a glint in her eyes.

"Rosie?" I asked. She hummed in response.

"I don't have your number for you to text me." I said looking at the ground.

"Oh my god! You're right, I completely forgot! Here I'll give you mine and you'll give me yours." She said handing me her phone as I fished mine out of my pocket. I typed in my number and put my contact name as 'Y/N💫' since I'm obsessed with stars, duh. She gave me my phone back but she already turned it off so I didn't get the chance to see her contact name. But when she saw mine, her eyes had an emotion I hadn't seen yet.

"A shooting star huh? You really love space don't you? Well, as we've talked briefly about this topic already, I also love space so I can't wait to have conversations at 2am with you about everything." She stated. I looked at her in awe as she basically just said that she wants to stay up late with me and talk about the number one thing we have in common.

"I can't wait either Rosie, I already stay up until 3am sometimes just sitting on my roof stargazing."

"I love the night sky as well, maybe we can do that tonight," Rosie said, mumbling the last part which I couldn't hear properly,

"Sorry, what was that last part you said?"

"Oh– it was nothing, I was just talking to myself," she said with a slightly higher octave.

"Ah ok, um I'm gonna get going and you can text me when to come over later." I said shyly.

"Ok, get home safe and see you later Y/N/N!" She said giving me a hug and she then escaped quickly into her house. I was left a little stunned as she had just hugged me, but I can back to my senses and started to walk home. I unlocked my phone to see her contact name and saw 'Your Rosie🤍' pop up. I smiled like an idiot to myself as I walked up my porch and into my house. I closed the door and threw my bag on the ground because I had too many books in there my back was gonna break.

"Y/N!!!!!!!" I whipped my head around to the living room to see Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo there waiting for me.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GUYS GET INTO MY HOUSE!?" I yelled at them, obviously shocked.

"Your parents gave Jennie a key a while back just in case of emergencies.... and this is an emergency." Jisoo explained.

"How the hell is this an emergency?" I said flatly.


"Alright, my god. Jennie lower your voice you're gonna make me deaf, idiot." I said, rubbing my ears.

"Whatever tell us every fucking detail Y/L/N and if you leave anything out, we are going to burn your house down."Jennie said seriously.

"Holy shit, what the hell Jennie?" I said, scared because I may not have a house later.

"Just give us details and everything will be ok." Lisa said.

"Fine" I said and they all gathered around me like I was the most important person in the world, ready to absorb every word.

Yayyyy, another chapter done!!! So we finally got Rosies number after like a billion years lol. Next chapter will probably be a lot longer bc I don't want to split up the study session into 2 or more chapters. BTW I LOVE ROSIES YOUTUBE CHANNEL I CANT WAIT FOR HER TO POST MORE!!!!!! Anyway, have a great morning/day/night, love you <3

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