Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Six

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It's now the beginning of July and Rosie and I are going to be married in almost less than a month. I'm freaking the fuck out and I have already started writing my vows because I can't fuck those up. But I have a feeling I'm going to blank when the time comes and I'm going to have to wing it.

But today Rosie and I are driving over to a bakery that'll make our wedding cake. I'm excited because we are going to have a three tiered cake. I wanted three because our relationship started out as friends, then girlfriends, then fiancées. I thought it was cute and when I ran the idea by Rosie, she almost cried at how thoughtful it was. Granted, she was on her period, but still.

Rosie for the past few days has been sketching out how the cake could look. She took a ton of time and she decided on a design and showed me. I was honestly just impressed with her drawing skills. But I then actually looked at the cake and really liked the idea she had come up with. It was really sweet.

The cake would have navy blue frosting covering the whole thing. Then, she had drawn on all the stars and constellations that were present on the night of the proposal. I kissed her so many times at how creative and sweet she was. I absolutely loved it. The stars would be gold and then there would be white lines connecting certain stars for the constellations.

The ride to the bakery was nice and Rosie jumped out of the car as soon as I put it in park. I laughed at her and she told me to hurry the fuck up. I rolled my eyes at her and took her hand before she dragged me inside.

"Oh my god, it smells delicious in here!" Rosie said as she then immediately started looking at the decorative cupcakes on display. A woman behind the counter spotted us and waved me over. I tugged Rosie along gently and we stood in front of tree counter. The woman's eyes lit up when she saw Rosie,

"You're Rosé!" She shouted happily before turning to me, "that means you're y/n! Lovely to meet you both! Welcome to our bakery!"

"Thank you, it smells delicious in here! We were wondering if you and your staff would be interested in doing our wedding cake for next month?" Rosie asked the woman, whose name I found out was Mary from her name tag.

"We would be honored to do your cake! What were you two thinking?" She asked as she pulled out a small notebook, most likely to write down ideas.

"Oh, well I've kinda drew what I wanted the cake to look like. We really just need to decide on what kind of cake we are going to have." Rosie said shyly as she put her sketchbook on the counter to show Mary. Her eyes lit up at the design,

"This is beautiful! We can totally make this work! We would just need some color swatches to make sure we have the right shade of everything."

"Thats not a problem, we can get that to you as soon as you need it." I explained. Mary nodded her head,

"Fantastic! Would you two like to come with me and try out some flavors of cake?"

"We would love to." I said as I squeezed Rosie's hand three times as we followed Mary through the building. We saw a bunch of bakers doing their thing, a few waving to us nicely. Rosie and I both would smile and wave back at them, obviously.

We soon reach a row of different cake flavors and I was surprised at how many there were. There were about 35 different flavors and I don't know how we are going to narrow it down to three. But, me being the immature bitch I am, one caught my attention right away. Rosie looked at me and followed my eyes to see what it was looking at.

"Really?" She sighed out as she walked next to it.

"What? Funfetti is a great cake! It's literally cake with a bunch of rainbow sprinkles aka stars! And we are literally gay, so even better!" A smile made its way to her lips and she chuckled at my reasoning. I smiled back at her and she leaned in for a quick kiss.

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