Chapter Thirty-Nine

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It has been 5 days since my date with Rosie and I've been thinking about finally asking her to be my girlfriend. My mind is constantly clouded with thoughts of her and I just want to finally make us official. We have only been on 2 official dates, but the emotions have been their since honestly day one. On top of that, I have know her for over a month, nearing two, so we obviously have a good knowledge about each other. So who better to ask for advice other than the legend herself: Jennie Kim.

The two of us were over my house after school discussing different way I could ask Rosie to be my girlfriend. I have been pacing back and forth in my living room while Jennie kept shouting ideas at me.

"Oh I know! You can get her a pet fish that has 'be my girlfriend' written in the bag!" She shouted excitedly at me.

"That is absolutely horrible, no." I said shaking my head, trying to think.

"I got another! How about you pretend to have someone kidnap her and you're actually bringing her to a nice dinner and then you ask her!" Jennie said with a bright smile. It quickly went away when she saw my straight face, "Fine, don't do that." She sulked.

"Aha!" I snapped my fingers as I thought of the perfect plan, "I can go wake her up before sunrise and bring her to Linden Hill and we can watch the sunrise together. She keeps telling me how she always wants to watch it but she's too lazy to wake up. I'll ask her as the sun is rising."

"Y/n, you're a FUCKING GENIUS! She'll totally say yes to that, oh my god! My best friend is going to finally get a girlfriend! When are you going to ask her?"

"I could do it tonight. Well tomorrow morning since it's going to be a Friday and we have off school that day. She wanted to hang out on that day anyway, so this would be the perfect timing!" I yelled jumping around out of pure happiness and excitement. Jennie joined me and we started laughing like idiots at how excited we were about the plan.

"Wait I need to inform Clare that I will be taking her daughter out before sunrise and that she doesn't need to worry if she sees her gone." I took out my phone to text Clare about my plan. I got a response right away saying she was completely fine with it and that she's excited for it. Jennie glanced over at my phone and smiled,

"Looks like you got the motherly stamp of approval." She said patting my back.

"Yup. Now it's time to plan everything and get ready for tonight." I told her.

"Do you need any help?" Jennie offered. I just shook my head,

"No Ill be fine, promise. But I would like you to leave so I can think straight." I said politely, leading her to the door.

"But you aren't even strai–" and out the front door she went, with me slamming it behind her.

Rosie's POV

Today has been a nice day. At school, y/n had been really sweet and she stopped Sana's pursue of her. That made me smirk internally, knowing that I was the only one she had eyes for. Take that bitch. She walked me home and kissed my cheek goodbye and went on her way. I just mindlessly did my homework for the rest of the day and wrote some lyrics in my songwriting book. Most of my current songs are about y/n, which isn't shocking. She just uncovers so many emotions I didn't even know I had in me, so I write down what I feel and turn it into lyrics. It's really turning into my little love diary about her and I'm not even mad about it.

It came dinner time and as I made my way downstairs, I noticed my mother was acting a little different than before. She had this weird smile on her face, which was quite disturbing.

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