Chapter Four

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Y/N's POV:

     "Hello Y/N, it's lovely to meet you."

My mind was drawing an absolute blank at this moment. The second she opened her mouth and spoke to me I will never forget. The way her accent is still very strong and very hot is incredible. Also the way my named rolled off her tongue with ease was making me forget how to even keep my eyes straight. As my mind was flying at 100mph, Jennie stepped up for me,

"Oh yeah this is Y/N, she's usually like this become quite frankly, she isn't that much of a people person. Well she can be a people person, she just isn't good at the beginning stages of meeting someone." Jennie quickly explained. Hearing Jennie's rushed voice, my mind finally came back and I was able to speak.

"Um yeah... hello Roseanne it's really nice to finally meet you as well." I said without stuttering which I praised myself on, yet I could feel the heat on my face. I gave her a small grin as I feared I would over smile and make her think I'm crazy. But the second I gave her a small smile, her eyes also lit up and her smile grew.

"Y/N I've heard a lot about you from Lisa, all good things don't worry!" She said with a laugh, and oh my GOD her laugh was the sweetest thing in the whole universe. The way my shoulders instantly relaxed was concerning yet really nice. You idiot it's just her laugh and she's making you weak my inner voice told me.

"Anyways," Lisa continued, "I looked at Rosie's schedule for the semester and you can her have the same schedule Y/N! It's like fate wants you two too become besties!!!" Lisa said joyfully with a small smirk.

"Ok enough talking let's go to history and learn about how... wait what are we learning?" Jisoo questioned.

"Don't look at us, we are also just as clueless. Hell, the whole class is probably lost because Mrs. Pritt cant teach to save her life." Lisa huffed as we all made our way through the classroom door. The four of us took our seats in the back and Roseanne went to Mrs. Pritt to figure out where she should sit.

"Ah, you must be the new student! Roseanne Park is it?" Mrs. Pritt asked.

"Yes it is ma'am," Roseanne responded, "and where would you like me to sit?"

"Umm... Y/L/N raise your hand," the teacher said as I quickly raised my hand, "You can go sit next to Y/N over there in the back."

SHES SITTING NEXT TO ME?!?! So fate does want me to fuck this up, huh. Shit she's coming, act natural-ish. I sit up properly but that's already hurting because I have terrible posture, so I gave up on that. I follow her with my eyes as she makes her way over. Her hair is gentle flowing and I'm just wondering where the hell the fan is at because only Beyoncé's hair can do that.

"Hi again Y/N, guess we are going to be seating buddy's for the semester!" She said with bright eyes and a soft smile.

"I guess we are Roseanne," I said back as calmly as I could, "so how much do you know about American History?"

"First of all, you can just call me Rosie because it's a lot easier, and secondly, basically nothing," she admitted, "but hopefully I can pick it up pretty quick."

"Rosie, Y/N is great at history don't even worry about it, she'll help you!" Jisoo said from my right. I glanced over to see her, Lisa, and Jennie giving me a knowing look and I give them a look right back to shut them up. They seemed to get the message and faced the front as the teacher was going to start the lesson.

"Um Y/N?"

"Yea Rosie?"

"Can I borrow like a pen or pencil from you because apparently I don't have one on me," she said hesitantly.

"Oh yeah for sure, hold on a sec," I rummage through my backpack and found a blue pen and held it out for her, "this should do for the time being."

"Thanks Y/N you're a life saver." She said as she took the pen out of my hand. Did our hands touch for .0001 seconds? Yes. Was it the greatest .0001 seconds of my life? Hell yeah it was. As we faced the front to take notes, I kept glancing to my left where she sat throughout the whole lesson. As I looked at the clock on the wall, a crumpled up paper ball flew on my desk from my right. I looked up annoyed at the 3 only possible people to throw it and opened it up.

'You need to make a fucking move on her Y/L/N or so god help me I will bash your heads together and make u kiss'

I looked at Jennie because I knew from the handwriting she was the one who threw it. I mouthed a 'what the hell is wrong with you' and went to throw is away.

"Miss Y/L/N, what are you doing creating a distraction in my class?" The teacher said sternly. I froze as soon as I heard my name.

"I'm uh, just throwing out this piece of paper I found on the ground, no worries." I said with a panicked smile.

"I don't believe you when you say that it's just a piece a paper. I've taught for 12 years and I know that it is a note. So you have 2 choices, one, you read the note out loud, or two, I read the note out loud."

I'm fucked, oh my god IM FUCKED!!! I cant have this letter be read out loud because HELLO that would be the absolute death of me! Think fast come on stupid brain... THINK.

"Ahaha well you see, the funny thing is is that..." I made eye contact with Jennie and she's about to lose her shit and laugh, "this paper is um..." I crumpled the paper back up and threw it in my mouth and ran back to my seat. Everyone's eyes were on me in shock, disgust, and awe at what I just did. Mrs. Pritt just sat there in confusion and didn't question me.

"What the fuck was that Y/N/N!?!" Jisoo whisper yelled because Jennie and Lisa were laughing so hard there faces were red. I just shrugged my shoulders and felt a tap on my shoulder,

"Y/N, I think that was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in school and it's my first day here," Rosie said with an amused smile, "nice way to keep Mrs. Pritt on her toes."


Have I ever eaten paper to stop someone from reading it? Maybe... Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter because it was entertaining to write!! Love you lots :)

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