Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen

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The year 2025 has been going really nicely for Rosie, Hank and I. Last Christmas was a fun one because it was the first one we shared with Hank. We spoiled the dog shitless and he didn't know what to do with all the toys he got. Rosie also hung a mistletoe at every doorway and I swear she was always watching me because she would always stop me to kiss me. Some of them definitely got more heated and we ended up in our bedroom, but most were sweet little kisses. Hank also learned to stay the fuck away from us when we have sex, thank god.

But my birthday this year was full of drinking for the first time since it's legal when we're 21 (a/n; i'm using the US' policy for drinking, so if u picked another country that has a different age... stfu no it doesn't). Rosie said she had to carry me back and stay in the bathroom with me because I was practically dying. But she did say I was a very cute drunk when I'm not sick, so I'll take it.

Then when her 21st birthday rolled around, we went through the same thing. A new club and many, many drinks for the birthday girl.


"Wow, you're reallllllly pretty." Rosie slurred from beside me. I turned my head to see her staring at me with her drunk gaze. We found out very early on that she's a lightweight, but that didn't surprise me.

"You're very pretty too." I responded as I sipped my water. I made sure to stay completely sober because I didn't want her to get hurt or anything.

"Don't compliment me, I has–have a bery sexy girlfriend." She said swatting me away from her. I quirked an eyebrow at her,

"You're taken?"

"Hell yeah I am!" She shouted loudly, the music still making it seem quiet, "she hot as fuck and she loves me a ton."

"She sounds nice."

"Mhm. I'm gonna marry her one day."

"Well, I'm her Rosie." I said chuckling a little as I didn't want this conversation to continue on for too long. She squinted her eyes at me and looked me up and down,

"No you're not."

"Excuse me?"

"You're not my girl. She's hotter than you."


"You're like her ugly twin."

"Roseanne Park!"

"How do you know my name, you witch!" She said now complete scared.

"Jesus christ," I muttered under my breath, "how do I prove to you that I'm you're girlfriend?"

"I dunno." That was fucking unhelpful. I sat at the bar and thought for a little as Rosie just stared at me creepily; like she was in a daze. Then I thought of it,

"I love you to the moon and back." I watched her eyes widen and she actually rubbed them to get a better look at me. I called for a glass of water and the bartender gave me one. I slid it over to Rosie and she just drank it while staring at me,

"Oh my god! Y/n where have you been!" She squealed happily, "This ugly girl that looked like you tried to like, hit me– I mean hit on me!"

"That bitch!" I said going along with it.

"I know! But now I got your sexy ass back and I wanna grind on you out there on the dance floor." She whispered hotly in my ear.

"Lead the way."

To The Moon and Back? (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now