Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five [M]?

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(a/n: so there's no actual sex aka no [M], but like there is kinda... well, you'll see what i mean)

Rosie's POV

"No sex for a week!" Y/n yelled at me before storming out of our bedroom.

Now you may be wondering how I ended up in this situation. Well...

Flashback to literally this morning lol

"Rosie, how about you go and pick up some groceries." Y/n asked me as she walked into our bathroom to get ready for work. I didn't want to do anything today, so I told her that.

"Babe, I really don't wanna do anything today. Can I just do it tomorrow?"

"Nope," she said popping the p, "I need these groceries and I have to go to work today." I groaned out in annoyance,

"Fine, I'll do it today."


Time skip to when y/n comes home

I'm in our bedroom on my laptop when I hear the front door open. I didn't think anything of it at first, until I remembered what I obviously didn't do today. I was about to rush out of our room and apologize profusely, but,

"Roseanne Park!" I cringed at the sound of y/n yelling my full name.

"Yes, love of my life?" I called back to her, hoping to calm her down a little. I heard her footsteps coming down the hallway and she quickly opened the bedroom door all the way. I looked at her to see fire in her eyes. I gulped in fear because she was pissed off.

"Where the fuck are the groceries!?" She yelled at me.

"I got sidetracked and then I had to–"

"Roseanne I swear to god you had this whole fucking day and you didn't get the groceries? I asked you to do one simple thing!" She said, flailing her arms around in anger.

"I know but–" I stopped my sentence as soon as I saw her clench her jaw at the word 'but'. I let out a defeated sigh, "I didn't get the groceries."

"No sex for a week!"

End of flashback

I ran out of our bedroom quickly after I heard that. That's literally the worst punishment anyone can give. The longest we've gone without sex (without an injury preventing us) is just 4 days! How the fuck am I supposed to last a week, which is 7?

"Babe! Let's talk this through!" I shouted at her as she snatched up her keys from the countertop. I caught her wrist before she was able to escape our apartment. She whipped around and faced me,

"Talk about what? How you had a whole 9 hours to go grocery shopping and didn't? I know you took a day off today too, so don't even try to give another excuse."

"I know I fucked up, but no sex for a week? That's torture for the both of us." I told her, trying to make her change her mind over the meanest punishment the world has ever seen.

"I don't give a shit, Roseanne. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go grocery shopping since my fiancée didn't." She said before removing my hand from her wrist and walking out the door. I just watched helplessly as I was left alone in our apartment, well Hankie was here, but other than that, I was alone.

I sighed out frustratedly and threw myself on the couch and just thought about how much this week is going to be torture. I know y/n will at least not have sex with me for tonight, but after that I might be able to get her to crack. I'll just have to pull out all the stops in order for her to fuck me good. I can do that. I can be seductive.

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