Chapter One Hundred and Seven

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Rosie's POV

I slowly woke up from my nap and just stayed in bed for a while. I held y/n's pillow in my arms and just pretended it was her. After that passed, I sat up in bed and stretched my arms out. I then glanced over to my nightstand and saw the time was 3:20pm and also a little note too. I grew curious and leaned over to see what it was. I felt my heart melt a little at the Rosie <3 written on the outside of it. I opened it up and read the letter y/n wrote for me.

By the time I was at the end of it, I was in tears. But they weren't the sad and depressing tears that I cried earlier, they were the happy ones, filled with love. She really loves me so much. She's really going to try and work less so she can spend more time with me.

I knew I had to also do my part and I called up some of my producers and created a schedule with them. I got my studio time down to 3 hours a day on weekdays and then 5 on the weekends. I was actually pretty proud of the new schedule because I still would have time in our apartment to brainstorm ideas.

I felt lighter after everything. There wasn't that weight that kept me chained to the ground. I felt free and happier than I have in the past like 24 hours. I knew y/n would come home around 8ish, so I decided I was going to make us dinner and we would eat together. I skipped out of our bedroom happily and just plopped down on the couch with a bag of chips and decided to watch some TV.

I was just minding my own business when I heard the front door creak open. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over to the door because y/n was the only one with keys other than me; and the time was almost 4pm.

My eyes soon found y/n with deflated shoulders and small sniffles echoed through the apartment. I shot up from the couch and ran over to her and wrapped her up in a hug. I didn't care that we were basically still living without each other, my mind just threw all that away and I just went to comfort her. I felt her arms encase my body as she sobbed into my shoulder violently. I was able to hold my tears back as I just gently rubbed her back and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

I slowly walked us back to where the couch was and I sat down on it. I pulled her along and she just curled up against me as her sobs became less as time goes on. My best guess was that Namjoon wasn't too fond of the request y/n had put in. I know she really wants to be here with me more and I know she's heartbroken she can't be.

Minutes went by and she soon fell asleep in my embrace. I kissed her forehead and laid down on the couch as I moved her body to lay on top of me. I played with her hair as I turned the volume down on the TV as I just waited for her to feel better.

She started to wake up around 8pm and I glanced down at her as she rubbed her eyes. I was hesitant to stop her from doing that, but I still softly reached my hand out to hers and pulled her hands away from her eyes. That seemed to kinda catch her off guard as she shot her head up to me and blinked a few times.

"Uhm, sorry for falling asleep on you like that." She mumbled softly as she got off of me. I wanted to just wrap my arms around her waist and pull her back, but I knew I shouldn't push it.

"It's fine, I promise. Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked her as she then found her fingers a lot more interesting than me. I sighed out and just sat there, waiting for her to find her words and explain everything to me.

"I got fired."

She caught me so fucking off guard because it didn't even look like she was ready to talk. She just basically threw up the words to get it out of her.

"I'm sorry, what?" At the sound of my voice she looked me in the eyes and repeated herself,

"I got fired from my job."

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