Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

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I rolled out of bed this morning feeling pretty meh. My health is fine, just my mood was meh. I walked into the kitchen and just grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I glanced down at my phone to check the time since it looked like the sun was just starting to rise,

06:34am, Sunday November 11th

I groaned to myself as I only got about 5ish hours of sleep last night. Rosie had came home late last night because she finally finished shooting for her new music video. Me being the good girlfriend I am, I stayed up and waited for her. I'm starting to definitely rethink my decision too.

I went over to the living room and turned on the TV at a low volume to make sure Rosie didn't wake up. I watched some random show as I finished my breakfast before cleaning the dishes and checking the time once more. Barely 10 minutes had passed and I was already getting annoyed with the world. But, one thing that always calms me down would be in almost full swing now.

The sunrise.

I grabbed a coat and keys and went up to our little private roof area. It was about 40° (≈4.4°C) outside right now, but it felt really nice against my face. I sat down on one of the little chairs we have up here and watched the dark sky slowly turn into a beautiful array of colors.

I must've been up there awhile because I heard the roof entrance door creak open loudly. I looked back to see Rosie in sweats and a hoodie. I smiled over at her and she gave me a small one in return. I motioned for her to come over and she walked over to where I was, sitting down on my lap. I securely held her and she nuzzled her head into my body, watching the scenery around us become alive once more for the new day.

"What do you want to do today love?" I asked her as I watched the horizon. It was quiet for a few seconds before she responded,

"Well since it's kinda cold out, can we stay in today?"

"We can have a day in today." I said with a smile as we stayed outside a little longer. Rosie started to get restless and she was squirming around. I laughed and said we could go inside to warm up a bit. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and got off of me, walking to the exit. I followed behind her as we went back inside our warm little apartment.

We went in and I made my way over to the couch and laid stomach down on it. I soon felt a familiar weight on my back and smiled. A few blonde strands of hair fell in my face and I blew them away. I felt a little kiss get pressed on the back of my neck and I sighed out.

"Get more sleep, I know you need it." Rosie whispered above me. I hummed a response and closed my eyes, willing myself to sleep. It wasn't that bad considering I had a comfortable presence near me. Well, on top of me.

Rosie's POV

I soon heard y/n's breathing steady out and I knew she was asleep underneath me. When I woke up this morning, I was confused as I wasn't pressed up against a warm body. I felt her side of the bed and it was still a tiny bit warm. I got up and walked around the apartment, but it was empty. I grew a little bit concerned, but I looked out the windows and saw that the sun was rising. I then used the brain I apparently have and went up to the rooftop. I found y/n sitting peacefully on one of the chairs and I joined her to watch the rest of the sunrise.

I wanted to just stay inside today because I've been outside and busy for the past 2 days. I know y/n has also been a little worn out from work, so it'll be nice to just have a chill day with each other.

Plus, I want to finally tell her the album title and maybe the title of the lead single from it. I'm really thinking she's going to love the album name. With all the thinking and planning that went into it and the song, I just hope she adores it as much as I do. Her opinion is the only one I truly care about; not the media, not the fans, not anyone else, only y/n. So if she loves it, then it's a success to me.

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