Chapter Seventy-Eight

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I groaned out at the constant buzzing my phone was doing on my nightstand. I just wanted a peaceful morning and get the chance to sleep in, but here I am. I rolled over on my side to reach for my phone and cracked my eyes open to see who was annoying me this early in the morning on a Saturday.

My Love🤍:

My Love🤍:
i'm hungry, get me
food plz

My Love🤍:
and some advil
would be great

My Love🤍:
hurry the fuck up

Great, she's on her period now. I sighed to myself and got out of bed slowly and stretched before starting my day because it's going to be a long one. I made my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine and grabbed my little container of advil to take over to her. I then walked back to my room and got changed into some sweats and a hoodie because I know we are going to just stay inside all day. I texted my mom saying that I was leaving so when she wakes up, she won't be worried.

My first stop was Target and I went in to get some of her favorite snacks and a heating pad for her as well. I also got her a pint of ice cream and some tampons and checked out. I was driving over to her house when she called me.

Incoming call from 'My Love🤍'...

I clicked accept and continued driving, keeping my attention on the road.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Y/n, where the fuck are you? I miss you and want you here now." Rosie said on the other line. I sighed out,

"Love, I'm just driving to you from the store, it'll be about another 10 minutes before I get there, okay?"

"I gotta wait 10 minutes? Ughhh, fine. Just get your ass over here quickly because I want you." She said a little seductive.


"I know, I know, we made a rule about not having sex when we're on each other's periods blah blah blah. I still wanna cuddle though."

"We can cuddle for the whole day Rosie."

"You bet your ass we are cuddling for the whole day." She said confidently. I couldn't help but smile at her voice.

"I'll see you in a little bit, love you."

"Love your slow-ass too." And she hung up before I could counter her.

"This girl," I mumbled to myself as I kept driving to my destination.

As I expected, it took only about 10 more minutes to arrive at her house. I turned off the car and grabbed everything I bought and took out the house key Clare gave me and let myself in. I walked into the kitchen and put the ice cream away in the freezer before making my way upstairs to Rosie's room. I knocked before I entered and heard a little 'come in', so I opened the door to see my girlfriend in my hoodie and pajama pants with a blanket wrapped around her. Her attention was drawn off of her laptop to the door and she smiled when she saw me.

"Y/n, you're here! Fucking finally!" She said as she stretched her arms out to me.

"One sec love, I have to put all this stuff down." I told her as I plopped the bags down on her desk.

To The Moon and Back? (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now