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Hello everybody! Now you may think this is an April Fools joke. And as funny as that would be, it isn't. I wanted to start this off with a quick thank you. I wanted to thank everyone for the support on the Naruto X Male Reader fanfic as all of you played a role in inspiring me to continue. With that being said, even though they declined being thanked, I'm gonna do it anyway cause I'm the author here and who's gonna stop me. I wanted to personally thank Wolverin24 for being the first person to vote on my story and add it to a reading list of their own. Seeing the notifications like hardly even a minute or two after I posted a new chapter you'd already voted on it. I'm not gonna make this super long and cheesy because I already did that once. So, once again I thank you for giving my story a chance and I believe that if you hadn't gave my short 8 chapter story a chance I might've procrastinated chapters, leading to inconsistent uploads and probably never finishing the story at all. So, I thank you for that, from the bottom of my heart. Now that the cheesy, sappy appreciation is out of the way. I will be releasing (Y/n)'s return to konoha probably sometime next week. I've already got it written, just need to proofread it to make sure (Y/n)'s return is at a level so high that it'd seem almost impossible to overcome. I am however, going to have to split between this story and my mha fanfic(you should check it out btw if you like my stuff) so what I'll probably do is do one week for each. So one week will be strictly for mha and the next week will be strictly for shippuden.

Now, if you have any questions you'd like to ask me, go ahead and ask here.

I'll answer all of your questions to the best of my ability without spoiling as much as possible. But that's enough for now. Once again, I thank all of you for supporting my Naruto X Male Reader fanfic and I hope you give the same love and support for this one. I hope to see all of you next week when (Y/n)'s return is released. Till next time!

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