Chapter 4

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(Y/n) POV)

Sakura: "Naruto! I know you're in a hurry, but don't disrupt the unit!"

Naruto: "But!"

Kakashi: "Don't lose your cool. Master Jiraiya told you not to, remember?"

"Naruto. I know you're worried about the Kazekage.... But you need to keep a level head right now. The last thing you need is to be blind from an enemy attack." I was right next to Naruto, easily keeping up with him.

Sakura: "Temari!" We all land in front of her as she turns around.

Temari: "Oh hey, what are you all doing out here?"

Sakura: "Oh so you haven't heard."

Temari: "Heard what?"

"The Kazekage, Gaara of the sand, has been abducted by the Akatsuki."

Temari: "What?! Gaara was..."

Dad: "It'll be about two and a half days to get to the sand from here. Let's hurry."

Temari: "Right." We all jump off through the trees hurrying to save Gaara.

(Timeskip brought to you by two thirds of the sand siblings basically dying at this moment)

It was getting darker outside. Naruto was still running ahead, though I was right next to him.

Sakura: "Naruto! I told you earlier not to disrupt the unit!"

Naruto: "I don't like it! Even I know why they're after people like Gaara and me. You know it already, don't you, Sakura? That I've got... the nine tails sealed inside of me. Gaara and I both... have monsters inside of us. That's what they're after! That's what I don't like! They only see us as monsters! I don't like their selfish way of viewing us! Everything about us... was the same. And he... fought all by himself a lot more than me. The Akatsuki was after him! It's just like me this time, too. And yet, why does he always have to be the one to get the short end of the stick?! It's always him! That's why I can't be wasting any time getting to him! This time, I want to save him right away!" I smile under my mask as I slow down a little, allowing Naruto to take the lead.

(Timeskip brought to you by the plot switching between Suna and Team Kakashi)

Sakura was about to eat a food pill but dad being dad, said something.

Dad: "Now, now, the food pills are only for emergencies. Girls of your age especially need to be careful not to eat too..." Sakura, obviously gets mad about that moves ahead of dad. "She got mad."

Sakura: "Naruto! You've met him before, haven't you? Itachi Uchiha... and he's after you. I didn't just train over these past two and a half years. I got into Tsunade-sensei's library and did outside investigations the best I could. And now... what was bothering me finally makes sense now! The person Sasuke-kun wants to kill is his own older brother Itachi Uchiha, right? A member of the Akatsuki!"

'You only just now want to bring that up. When Naruto is all over the place in his mind."

Sakura: "That's why Sasuke-kun is with Orochimaru in an attempt to obtain power. But Orochimaru is after Sasuke-kun's body, right? And we only have six months left! And Orochimaru used to be a member of the Akatsuki. Basically this is what I say. The closer we get to the Akatsuki, the closer we get to information about Orochimaru. If that happens... we'll eventually get closer to Sasuke-kun!" I silently clap in my head as Sakura finishes her little speech thing. I slow down next to dad and sigh.

"She's gotten louder... if that was even possible." Dad chuckles as I continue to cover our surroundings with my sharingan. We continued until we decided to take a quick break. Naruto stood on the branch of a tree while Temari, Sakura and dad were sitting on the ground. I was sitting on a different branch keeping an eye out.

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