Chapter 7

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(Y/n) POV)

Dad: "I underestimated you back then. But I'm not that pathetic. It's not going to work the way it did before, you see."

Naruto: "It's a huge mistake if you think I'm the same as before!"

Dad: "Naruto, I'll deal with him."

"We'll deal with him Kakashi. You three will cover us." Dad sighs a little before speaking.

Dad: "To be honest, I want to be cool and say, "Go on ahead," but... Against him, even I can't contain him alone." We stared Itachi down for a while before be began to raise his hand.

Itachi: "It's about time for you to come with me, Naruto." He points directly at Naruto.

Dad: "I'll go first!" Dad rushes and throws a punch at Itachi, only for it to get blocked. "Shadow Clone." I catch a kunai thrown my way from a clone only for it to explode into smoke in my face. I look around seeing everyone on the ground... dead.


Itachi: "Is this all you can do (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, yeah, quit with the genjutsu bullshit!" I push my hands together and release the genjutsu. 

Naruto: "What... happened to me?"

"So he got you too." 'But when did he cast it? He was able to cast a genjutsu on me without my sharingan picking it up.'

Dad: "Now, it's about time for the main event. Get it together, Naruto!" I click my tongue and walk forward, drawing my sword.

"Kakashi, let me handle this for now." Dad glances over at me and I smirk under the mask. I rush forward, keeping my body low to the ground.

Itachi: "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

"Water Style: Water Wall!" I flip planting my hand on the ground, a wall of water blocks the flames from moving any further behind me as I dodge them.

Itachi: "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Everyone else jumps out of the way from the huge fireball. When the smoke cleared from the fireball dad could be seen with a lightning blade in his palm. Itachi looks over his shoulder once he heard my own lightning blade in my hand. We both rush him and Itachi jumps out the way to dodge, dad's lightning blade pierces my chest as I poof into a cloud of smoke.

Naruto: "Rasengan!" Naruto comes down from above and nails Itachi with a rasengan... Or he would've if he actually hit Itachi. Both me and stood across from each other on either side of the crater Naruto made. Fog begins to cover the area but neither of us avert our eyes from the other. 

"It's been a while since we actually fought each other Itachi."

Itachi: "It has." I smirk under my mask as I throw three kunai at him. He easily dodges them however, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" I jump out of the way to dodge the fireball but the impact blew the mist away. I look into the woods and hold up a signal that only Itachi and dad would know. "You're quite confident in your abilities to call that." I chuckle a little and rush Itachi at fast pace. I swing my sword down but he catches it in his hand. I smirk as my clone disappears and I manage to get a hand on Itachi's shoulder.

"You may be fast Itachi... but can you keep up with teleportation?" I teleport next to Itachi and send a kick to his chest, knocking him back a bit. I teleport next to him again and swing my sword but he manages to dodge.

Itachi: "That jutsu of yours isn't perfected." I smirk as I teleport next to him, landing a punch to his face.

"I know." I continue the cycle of teleporting next to Itachi and landing a blow of some kind until the chakra drain forced me to stop. We know stood across from each other, Itachi had a couple of cuts on him but other than that he was relatively unharmed.

Itachi: "It was only a matter of time before you couldn't use that jutsu anymore."

"I can still use it. I just have to save chakra for the rest of the Akatsuki I may have to fight." I rush Itachi again locking blades with him, well katana and kunai if you want to be specific. We both swung our weapons, throwing in the occasional punch or kick here and there. One of Itachi's blows got through my defence and knocked me back a bit. He then rushed me and threw an uppercut at me. I felt my mask fly off my face as I landed from the force of the blow. I cough out a bit of blood as I hear gasps in the woods.

Itachi: "You were careless, (Y/n). You know what I'm going to say, right?"

"I should be lower to the ground and always be ready to defend against an attack. Never let an enemy attack hit. I know... Itachi-sensei." I see a very small smile come to Itachi's lips.

Itachi: "I haven't heard you call me that in a long time."

"Yeah... things were better then. But... it's because of you I'm as strong as I am." Our sharingan stared into each others while I had to keep a stoic expression. "How about a spar like old times?" I pull out a scroll from my pocket. "I do have a few new things I'd like to test." My normal katana disappears and another one takes its place.

" My normal katana disappears and another one takes its place

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Itachi: "So you still have that."

"Of course I do. It was the first thing you gave me... also my first ever sword." I hold the scabbard in my left hand, the katana lightly held in my right. "You always told me there was something special about this sword. But it took me almost 10 years to find out what was so special about it." The scabbard disappears as I raise my katana over my head, holding it with both hands. "Allow me to introduce... The 10 Forms." I took a deep breath as I close my eyes. "First Form..." The blade of the katana glows golden. "Judgement Cut!" I move quickly appearing behind Itachi with the scabbard in my hand. I sheathe the blade as a cut appears on Itachi's chest. I look back as the shadow clone disperses. I smirk and catch the hand of Itachi. "Naruto, now!" Naruto rushes in with a clone next to him.

Naruto: "Giant Rasengan!" I teleport next to dad as the jutsu slams into Itachi. We walk over to where Itachi is... or should be.

"I thought something felt off." I had my mask on the side of my head as I stared at the corpse.

Naruto: "What do you mean?!"

Sakura: "It's one of...their jutsu or something."

Hag: "He's..."

Dad: "Do you know him?"

Hag: "Yes. It's Yura... He's a Jonin from our village."

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