Chapter 3

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(Y/n) POV)

Dad: "I should of just went ahead and finished the book." Naruto laughs flaunting his bell.

Naruto: "But how can you even read such a boring book?!"

Dad: "Huh?"

Naruto: "Pervy Sage loaned it to me, but it was so boring I didn't even make it ten pages. So of course, I don't know how the book ends." Dad slumps as I just look at him blankly.

"You what?"

Sakura: "Even without Naruto knowing the ending of the book, we figured you'd both respond if we mentioned the name, "Make-Out Tactics." Pretty good strategy, huh?" We both just groan quietly.

Tsunade: "You three certainly showed me some growth."


Tsunade: "Kakashi, do you have something to say?"

"Okay ignore me then."

Dad: "Well, they did a great job taking the bells away from (Y/n) and I, so..."

Naruto: "What're you talking about?"

Shizune: "We're talking about your status for the future."

Naruto: "Our status?"

Tsunade: "Naruto Uzumaki!"

Naruto: "Huh?"

Tsunade: "Answer me!"

Naruto: "Y-Yeah!"

Tsunade: "Sakura Haruno!"

Sakura: "Yes!"

Tsunade: "The two of you and Kakashi Hatake. The three of you shall form Team Kakashi!"

Sakura: "Team Kakashi?"

Naruto: "S-Say, what does that mean?"

Dad: "The two of you will form a team with me and we'll carry out missions together. That's what this means. It's not like the old days. We're no longer teacher and students. We will work together as equal Leaf Shinobi. Got it?"

Naruto: "Sure! I got it!"

"Not to ruin the mood or anything... But you never said my name auntie."

Tsunade: "You'll come with me, I have something different planned for you."

"That's reassuring I think?" While the newly formed Team Kakashi go to celebrate, I follow auntie and Shizune back to the hokage tower. When we enter, Yang, Kiara and Khrow were already waiting. "Hey you three." Kiara smiles and waves at me, Khrow just raises two fingers, Yang smirks giving a short wave.

Tsunade: "Good you're already here."

Yang: "We've been here a few minutes now."

Tsunade: "That doesn't matter. What does matter is the reason you're all here."

"Does this have to do with why you wanted me to come with you?"

Tsunade: "Yes, it does. Now, you four... I called you here for one reason, that reason being I would like to offer you all something. A personal request from me to become ANBU ninja as a squad of four." We all take a step back, even Khrow was shocked by this.

"You what?!"

Tsunade: "I'm personally requesting you four to become an ANBU team." We all stare at her for a second before I speak up first.

"A-Alright then... I'll do it."

Yang: "Yeah! Me too!"

Khrow: "I don't see why not."

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