Chapter 14

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(Y/n) POV)

I walk in the room we were staying to see everyone eating an absolutely MASSIVE feast.

"This is interesting to say the least." I snap my fingers as my clothing changes. "Thank you for the food." I begin eating while Naruto stares at me weirdly. "Hm?" I tilt my head to stare at him. "Did you need something Naruto?"

Naruto: "Where did you disappear too?"

"I went for a walk around the town. I found a library and got a few books." I held up a stack of around a dozen books, don't ask, I couldn't help going back for more. His stare doesn't let up.


We finished eating and Naruto finally stopped staring at me.

Yamato: "Now then, normally after dinner, I'd want to have a meeting regarding the mission. But the reason why we're staying here is for improvement of your rapport. Let's forget about the serious stuff for now."

Naruto: "Now you're talking, Captain Yamato."

Yamato: "Instead, we'll definitely have a meeting tomorrow!"

Sakura: "Could it be we're going to stay at a hot springs inn tomorrow, too?"

Yamato: "No, cut me some slack on that one. My wallet won't make it."

Sakura: "Then could it be that you're paying for this place out of your own pocket, Captain Yamato?"

Yamato: "Yes."

Naruto: "Awesome! You're sure generous!" I sigh while shaking my head slightly.

'I'm surprised they didn't ask me to pay.' Then I look up seeing the four staring at me. "Umm... did you... say something?"

Naruto: "You're a Jonin so you gotta be really rich! So could you maybe pay for the hot springs inn tomorrow?" I looked away slightly. I was actually kinda hoping I didn't have to give a reason not to pay.

"I would... but I'm saving up for something important. I'll pay the next time I can though." The group minus Sai sulk slightly. I look down rubbing the nape of my neck. 'I swear if she doesn't like this gift I'm gonna look like an idiot.'

(The next day)

I was up early, Sai was the only one up before me. I watched him jump out of the window but ignored it. Shortly after, Sakura woke.

Sakura: "I sure slept well." She stands and opens the window, watching the birds fly overhead. "The weathers nice too." She looks over and sees Sai walking somewhere. "Sai..." Sakura then tried to silently watch Sai while I tried not to laugh. She watched as Sai pulled out a book from his bag. "Could it be?" Sakura walks back in the room and unties her robe while Naruto was having some sort of nightmare involving a misunderstanding with Sakura.

Naruto: "It's morning already... I don't feel like I've slept at all. Did he get up already?" He looks at Sai's folded robe on top of everything else he folded up. Naruto got up and looks around seeing Sai's stuff was gone. I watch him run out of the room before sighing.

'Why do you have to be so much work so early in the morning?' I sighed once more as I flickered next to Sai, Sakura was already there.

Sakura: "So you draw." Sai looks back at her then to me.

Sai: "Is there something you two needed?"

Sakura: "You're foul-mouthed, but you've also got a sensitive side, huh? That's a surprise."

Sai: "That fake smile... So you're still not through hitting me, huh?"

Sakura: "Not quite... I'm kidding! I just came to check out your picture. I was wondering what you were drawing."

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