Chapter 23

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(Y/n) POV)

"You've really fucked up the moment you laid your whorish hands on my brother." I vein bulges out on the side of her head before she sends a fireball towards me. I stand there and let the fire ball hit me. "Did you really just try using the Uchiha's signature jutsu against an Uchiha?" She scoffed before trying to hit me with a lightning jutsu... A FUCKING LIGHTNING JUTSU! "Woman did I drive you into retardedness?" The lighting around me grew in size before I took a step forward. "I almost feel sorry for you... that's a lie." I burst forward and slam my fist threw her chest. "Rest in piece." Her eyes went dull as she fell back. The gaping hole in her chest evidence of her death. "I've never hated someone so easily before. That's also a lie. Anyway, who's next on the chopping block. Oh right Naruto." I turn and jump down off the roof and land next to Naruto. "You good?"

Naruto: "Yeah. Where's that lady?"

"Dead, but don't worry about that. You got to go after Sora." He nods a second later before jumping off after the monk. I look towards where the lightning was coming from and went in that direction. My own lightning was still dwarfing there's as I landed next to the first one. "Well, well, well. What a depressing wannabe." The man looks my way before I take his head off with a kick. "What did they think was going to happen?" I sigh as I take off towards another lightning bolt. I draw my sword and pierce his chest instantly killing the woman there. "Okay there's what one or two more of these things. God these people are pathetic." I see the two pillars coming towards me and smile. "Thank you for making my life easier." They two jump off of the rooftop and down to attack me only to be decapitated instantly. "Whatever they were planning with those lightning bolts was honestly really pathetic." I enforced my lightning bolt and sent it all over the village. The bolts took out many of the revived ninja who were fighting my allies. "God this is boring. I saw a glimmer of a blade coming towards me and brought my own up to block it. A woman with white hair glared at me as I stared at her curiously. "Oh hello there."

White Bitch: "I'll kill you!"

"Well there's a pretty long line for that." She goes to swing her sword again but I bring up my hand to catch the blade. "Sadly for you, there's no chance of you beating me." I kick her in the ribs, sending her flying in the air. "Although you could be training for me." I activate my mangekyou and focus as a gray rib cage forms around me. "Mind attacking this thing?" She glares at me and rushes forward. Attack after attack after attack and nothing was happening. No damage was being done to my susanoo's ribcage. "Well at least it lives up to its name." I dispel the rib cage and pierce my sword into her abdomen. "Any last words?"

White Bitch: "Fuck you!"

"Well if you didn't try to kill me I might've considered it." I turned the blade in her stomach and brought it up vertically, cutting her in half. "These people don't even make good training." I deactivate my mangekyou and flash to Asuma who was stuck in a lightning trap. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I walk forward and cut through the electric jutsu. "Done." I flash away again and appear next to Sakura who was currently being raped by bugs. "Fifth Form: Erupting Cyclone!" The bugs were disintegrated along with the dome around us. I dashed to the woman with her hand on a tree and cut off both of her arms. "I don't think you'll be needing these anymore."

Sakura: "(Y/n)!" I wave to her over my shoulder as I cut bug bitch in half.

"You alright?"

Sakura: "I'll be fine!"

"Make up can only change so much you know." She glares at me and I laugh before flashing away. I appear in the hokage mansion and infront of auntie. "I think Sakura's gonna kill me after this."

Auntie: "What'd you do?"

"Oh don't worry about that." I watched the defense barrier begin to vanish from the window. "Welp looks like that's happening now." I flash sheathe my katana and sigh. "So should I check on Yamato or Naruto next?" I flip a coin that was on auntie's desk and flash to Yamato.

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