Chapter 17

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(Y/n) POV)

Naruto stared down Orochimaru who was prone on the ground.  Orochimaru sits up before spitting out a fuck ton of snakes towards Naruto. Blades come out of the snakes mouths before Naruto just fucking BITCH SLAPS the snakes away. I barely stand in place from the power behind Naruto's attack.

'Holy shit.' Naruto then slams his hands on the ground. The ground cracks before two claws sprout out of it under Orochimaru who jumps and runs to dodge them. Naruto himself was stationary as the claws continued to chace Orochimaru. At one point Orochimaru turns and wraps a snake around the arm only for it to literally disintegrate.  He then comes out of himself again as the old body disintegrates as well. He slithers toward Naruto before absolutely DECKING Naruto with a punch. Naruto then pulls a copy and comes out of himself and cuts Orochimaru in half. But the mother fucker uses his snakes to pull himself back together. 'What the fuck did I just watch?' Naruto roars after a short stare down, bubbles of what looks like red and blue come out of his body and float around. 'What is that?' The orbs then condense around the spot his tails and mouth met, forming a ball of chakra. The ball condences more and breaks the ground around him. Naruto then eats the ball of chakra. His body bubbles up before launching a big ass blast of chakra at Orochimaru."

Orochimaru: "Triple Rashomon." I watch with wide eyes as the chakra slams into the infamous technique. 

"Holy fuck!" I have to switch trees to not be caught up in the blast. I see Yamato standing on a tree and flash to the one next to him. "How in the fuck are we supposed to stop that thing?!"

Yamato: "We need to find an opening but I don't know where one would be!" As he finishes speaking, I see what looks like a sword pierce Naruto's chest. He slams into the ground near Tenchi Bridge. Naruto roared again and it covered the entire forest even if he wasn't in sight. I saw Orochimaru struggle with his head before the sword goes back into his mouth. A second later, Naruto's roars sound again. I watch as Orochimaru moves his head closer to the ground before once again, crawling out of himself. He falls flat on the floor as I flash over to Sakura causing me to have to block a tail. I quickly grab Sakura and duck under the tail before jumping back with her. I look at her arm seeing it was bleeding. I sigh before flashing to Yamato, setting her down then flickering back to where I was previously. I look at Naruto who is trapped in wood.

"What am I going to do with you?" He roars before breaking the wood that held him. "Well, come on then." I motion my hand for Naruto to come at me. "Yamato! Be ready at any moment! I'll give you an opening when I can!" Naruto rushes me and goes to claw at me only for me to duck. I grab his arm only for it to burn. I hold Naruto and place and nod to Yamato who was running forward.

Yamato: "Hokage Style: Elder Jutsu 10th Edict on Enlightenment!" As Yamato almost touches Naruto, he swipes me away a second before Yamato can place the seal. I fly back over the gap of the bridge, and slam through several trees before crashing into the ground. I hear roars from Naruto as I try to stabilize my breathing.

"Please... tell me... that it worked..." I slowly stand before leaning on a tree. I cough a few times spitting up a bit of blood before I hear Naruto's scream. "It's working... that's... good..." I cough again before I begin to stumble back to the bridge... or what was left of it. I follow the sound of Naruto screaming for as long as I can before it goes quiet. "Please... tell me... that it worked..." I continue to stumble before I finally get a glimpse of a clearing in the trees. I stumble out of the tree line seeing Sakura healing Naruto. I flash to Yamato and collapse on the ground next to him. My ears rang but I saw Yamato's mouth moving. Naruto was in worse condition than I was so I didn't care that Sakura was healing him first. I began healing my smaller wounds that came from the trees I flew through and once I finished I healed my other injuries to the best of my ability which wasn't much. My ears continued to ring as Naruto opened his eyes and sat up. The two talked as I laid on the ground still in pain. "S-Sakura... some help... would be nice..." Sakura turns to look at me before seemingly gasping in surprise before kneeling down to help me. "Thanks..." It takes her a minute or two but once I'm healed enough she stops. "Oh hearing how I missed you." I sigh as I look at Yamato

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