Chapter 35

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(Y/n) POV)

As the light disappeared, I stood inside of the crater with a heavily damaged susanoo. I looked over my shoulder at Sasuke who was staring at me shocked.

"Oh yeah... you haven't seen these eyes yet."

Sasuke: "I had it under control."

"Oh yeah... and what were you gonna do? Some how summon Manda, cast a genjutsu on Manda, and survive the explosion?"

Sasuke: "Yes."

"Sasuke you have literally have next to no chakra right now." I dispelled the susanoo, and picked Sasuke up. I placed him on my back, and began walking. "Where's that little group you were forming?"

Sasuke: "I don't know." I sighed, and began walking to a nearby river.

"That one guy is a water guy isn't he?"

Sasuke: "Yeah." He was damn near unconscious.

"Alright, you owe me now Sasuke."

Sasuke: "Yeah."


I neared the water, and recognized Suigetsu standing there. He saw me carrying a barely conscious Sasuke, and drew the Executioner's Blade.

"Yield." I activated my sharingan, and narrowed my eyes at him. His body shook slightly as he dropped the weapon, and I deactivated my sharingan.

Suigetsu: "You're a mess!" I set Sasuke down, and he almost immediately fell to his knees. Suigetsu jogged over to him and crouched down. "Who did you fight?"

"Deidara. If it weren't for me he was planning to somehow summon Manda, and cast a genjutsu with barely any chakra.

???: "Found you!" Two new people were running over. "I figured you'd be here! Your chakra suddenly disappeared, so I wondered what had happened... Did you transport yourself?!"

"This group has gotten bigger since the last time I saw it Sasuke." The other two then noticed me.

???: "Who're you!"

"It's common courtesy to give your name first." I saw Sasuke smirk slightly.

Karin: "Karin."

"An Uzumaki..." She looked wearily at me. "My name is (Y/n). I'm the reason Sasuke's alive right now." She then froze for a second.

Karin: "You're Orochimaru's son!"

"Correct. And yes I know Sasuke killed him, but I could honestly care less." The two walked over to Sasuke, and I saw Karin blush while looking at Sasuke. 'Oh you're fucking kidding me.' I looked away and began chuckling to myself.

Suigetsu: In any case, he needs time to rest. Right, Karin?"

Karin: "Ahem! How pathetic! And you call yourself the man who killed Orochimaru?!"

Sasuke: "Orochimaru was already weakened to begin with. That's all there is to it." I looked at the group before flashing away.

Dad: "(Y/n)?"


Dad: "Did you find anything?"

"I found Sasuke fighting Deidara, and then I had to save Sasuke from Deidara's self destruct. My eyes hurt." I placed a hand on his shoulder and flashed us both back to the blast zone. Sakura, Shino, and Sai were already there. We all stood examining the damage.

Sakura: "Naruto!"

Naruto: "What happened?!"

Sakura: "There are signs that Sasuke was just here."

"He was." Everyone looked at me. "He was fighting Deidara. I watched the whole fight. In the end Deidara tried to suicide bomb himself to kill Sasuke. I jumped in and saved him. He's working in a group of four, including himself. And before you say anything Naruto, his acquaintances showed up too soon. And it took a lot of energy to force my susanoo to evolve. Anyway, the group of four consists of Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin, and one more unkown orange haired male. Suigetsu seems to be a master of water style, and he also challenged me for the Executioner's Blade so he has that now too. Karin is an Uzumaki, but I know nothing about her other than that... Oh she's also a fangirl... I don't think that helps much though." Everyone seemed to be taking in my information.

Sakura: "You gave that guy your sword!"

"Eh. I have too many at this point. I didn't use it much after I created my sword styles. So I gave him a little spar, and let him have it. Besides, I could easily take it back from him if I wanted."


Kiba: "It's this way, I'm sure of it!" We were now tracking Sasuke's scent, and have reached where I left him previously. "From his scent, I can tell he's stopped moving. (Y/n)'s scent is here too."

"This is where I got to when his unit showed up. I was still drained from the susanoo so I got out as quick as I could. With how injured he was, he shouldn't be far!"


Naruto: "Well, Kiba?!"

Kiba: "I'm concentrating, trying to single out Sasuke's faint scent! So shut up! You're distracting me!" We were beginning to close in on Sasuke's scent. That Uzumaki that was with Sasuke gave me a weird vibe. She might be a sensory ninja.

"Kiba. Be ready to change course if we have to. That Uzumaki is most likely a sensory type! Also, don't be surprised if she'll try and sway us away with old pieces of Sasuke's clothing."

Kiba: "Got it!" We ran for a couple minutes before Kiba told us Sasuke was beginning to move. "Sasuke's scent is dispersing! Not only that, it's scattering in all directions!"

Dad: "He's on to us. Taking strategic action."

"Kiba, do you remember which scent you were tracking first?"

Kiba: "I've got a rough idea on which one's which, but I can't say for sure!"

"It'll have to do."

Kiba: "The distance is to great to guide you with the wireless. I'm the only one who can pursue him. But it's one scent. What'll we do?"

Naruto: "I'll find him if I have to search every blade of grass! With whatever means necessary! Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto's clones dispersed all over the woods.


Kiba: "Damn! This one's a bust too. What's wrong, Naruto?"

Naruto: "Oh, nothing..." Something's wrong.

Dad: "Did something happen?"

Naruto: "I just tripped. Never mind that. Kiba, track the next scent."

'I have a bad feeling... I don't get it... Why do I feel like something's gonna go horribly wrong?'

























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